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08/21/2024 12:09AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
Hey guys,
when will this dietbet finalize?

Did you all meet your goal? 🙏

catherineyyz likes this comment.

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Amber J.

I hit my goal... I thought the time was 11:59 PST


Made my goal! I was in another one that ended one day earlier and got the finalization email just after 8 am EST, so hopefully this one will finalize here shortly!

Amber J.

08/20/2024 10:46PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
Well I barely made it! Gave it a giant push today... Dealing with lady business all week and man the bloat is real!

Marc L.

08/20/2024 2:01PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
  • Serious question. Can I enter a dog in this dietbet. I’m watching my parents dog and with normal exercise and no treats. There is no doubt i can walk her off the required percent in 4 weeks. I would definately bet on it.

Fran Gabby , Viv1997 , Beth , Chris11 and Brandie H. like this photo.

Amber J.

Haha my hubby was just saying that about our dog

Kelsey P.

08/15/2024 3:38AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
  • At the start of this game I was in a real low place! Starting fall of 2019 I had started to eat healthier and by mid 2020 I had lost just over 40 lbs. However the pandemic really sent me into a spiral and after I got covid myself and couldn't taste anything I kind of gave up on my weight loss goals, I managed to maintain for a little while but by 2021 I started slipping and between then and now I gained everything back and then some which sent me into another spiral because I knew how much work it had taken me to get there! However recently in talking with friends and feeling the frustration of seeing the scale climb and seeing all the new clothes I bought that I never got to wear anywhere I signed up for three diet bets (this one, a three month one, and a six month) and I'm finally feeling the drive and the determination to do this all again. Putting money where my mouth is has really made me step out of my frozen pizza comfort zone and back into my running shoes! Ive hit my goal and then some for this challenge and I'm Excited to keep going! I wish everyone luck in their healthy journeys!

Judie , Nicki L. and like this photo.

Amber J.

Woohoo!!!! Way to go!! I'm so proud of you. That is amazing. :heart:


Good for you! With that kind of great attitude, you'll definitely meet your goals and be wearing those new clothes soon!!!

Amber J.

08/14/2024 1:38PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
The hard part is seeing the scale not moving in the right direction... But awesome to see toning and feeling amazing! Clothes are fitting so much better and I'm able to run and walk 1.5 miles in 24 min versus the 36 minutes it used to take. I have been able to add more sit ups and more reps to weight lifting. Woohoo!! I will take that win!! Less than a week to go everyone! We can do this! I'm praying my working out will work out in the end

Judie , Jacqueline P. and like this comment.

Sonya O.

08/13/2024 4:22AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
We went on a mini vacation over the weekend and I gained a pound and a half back. Hopefully its just because I didn't drink enough water….thats a thing right LOL! It definitely couldn't be the cheesecake I let myself indulge in.

Judie , Beth , Kim W. , Amber J. and Brandie H. like this comment.

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Amber J.

Not the cheesecake... Lol drink that water. Lol

Sonya O.

Drinking water definitely helped!! I am back down :)

Michelle T.

08/10/2024 6:10AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
The pounds are coming off slower this time

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Andi J

You are definitely not alone.

Amber J.

Yep! But we got this!!!! Drink that water and throw in an extra workout every day!

Kelsey P.

08/09/2024 4:13AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
I was really at a plateau this past week besides running a 6k on Sunday and being very diligent about food. However today finally broke that streak and now I'm only 1 lb away from the goal with 9 days to go. Let's hope it's a little easier this week!! We're almost there!

Heather W. , Sonya O. and like this comment.

Amber J.

I'm in that plateau right now... I keep telling myself muscle is replacing fat and pretty soon that muscle will really start burning that fat not replacing... Just have to keep chugging along.


07/27/2024 11:36PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
I seem like i can‘t lose weight anymore. I‘ve lost around 100 lbs but if i stick to my good habits, nothing changes on the scale. Need to lose another 10-15 lbs. Help!

Sonya O. , Amanda W. and catherineyyz like this comment.

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When this happened to me it was that I wasn’t eating enough as I was working out a lot. Maybe add a protein shake?
It did work for me.
And lots of hot water lemon :blush:

Camile T.

I need to lose 100 lbs any suggestions?! You are amazing btw!

Amber J.

07/25/2024 5:47AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
Hello everyone! I'm back at it again. I am so excited that for the last couple of weeks I been able to maintain what I lost for the most part from my last dietbet!! To help encourage my loss I am training for a 5k this fall and one next year maybe 2 woohoo. I have a goal to lose 10+ lbs by my birthday and 20 in total by next June in time for my 19 year anniversary. I want my body back!!!! Lol

Sonya O. , Amanda W. and like this comment.

Cindy D.

I know that feeling! Keep up the good work!!

Ref Ashley M

Congratulations on your progress so far and especially on that maintenance! I have faith in you for meeting that big goal!
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