Was doing my weigh in and got everything ready to submit and was notified that the word changed. I’m now dressed and ready to leave for work. How and why does a word change within 10 minutes?? This has happened to me before.
DietBet Winnings: $122.93
Nov 6-7 Flex Kickstarter
$200 in BONUS PRIZES! SEPTEMBER 26TH GAME! (Runner-up)
Flex Kickstarter (2 days to go)
End of Summer Shed (Runner-up)
Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet (Runner-up)
Member Maintainer (Winner)
Total weight lost is now 1,718 pounds! Average is 1.9 pounds.
Total weight lost is now 12 pounds! Average is 0.1 pounds.
Quisi , SinDebauchery and 7 others like this accomplishment.