katie e.

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Suzannah S.

08/30/2024 7:25PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • I’m not sure if I’ll make the goal this time around, but I’m focusing on healing my relationship with food. Struggling with disordered eating and over all not eating enough. Trying to increase my food intake but still lose weight at the same time. My body was losing weight quickly because of how restrictive I was being with what I ate and how much I ate. But I’m realizing I’m starving my body. Today I did better with my eating and ate a variety of foods(including the “evil” carbs). My parents have really pushed me to go carnivore but that just made my disordered eating worse. So here I am at square one again. I know it’s mostly water weight but immediately after reintroducing carbs the scale shot up about 7-8 pounds. Does anyone have any tips for balanced eating? Prior to keto/carnivore I used to restrict then binge/purge when I went out of control. When I started keto and then carnivore I’ve become very selective with my food and it became unhealthily restrictive. I want to start working with a dietician again, I met with a dietician for a while about a year ago and I found it helpful. So what are your best tips for balanced eating and not completely cutting out any food categories.

    Also wanted to note I’m training for a half marathon and realized carbs are much easier to run on vs protein and fat.

Sharon T. , Katie W. and like this photo.

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katie e.

For me it’s all about the types of carbs I eat, the portion size, and when I eat them. I stick to a diet that is basically five small meals a day, three hours apart. Each meal is about 150 grams of a lean protein (chicken, turkey, bison, fish), 100 grams of veggies, and the first two meals of the day are 100 grams of complex carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats). I have always had a very unhealthy love of bad carbs. But changing up my diet, my portions, and when I eat has made all the difference in the world. Feel free to reach out if you want more info. I’m always happy to share what has worked for me!

Chelsea G.

Hi Suzannah,
I can relate to what you shared regarding disordered eating. A weight loss journey is difficult already, but disordered eating makes it more challenging, especially with restrictive or B/P eating patterns. Some things that helped me personally were ED support groups and individual therapy (which I realize are not accessible or practical for everyone), and thinking about how foods nourish my body. Thinking about food in a neutral way helped, as well.

Morgan F.

08/15/2024 1:48PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
Anyone have tips on how not to eat a lot after working out? I feel like I don't recover well if I don't...

Heather E. , Julia S. and like this comment.

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Morgan F.

Thank you all! Especially love the food recs

katie e.

You could also try doing a protein shake and a handful of almonds shortly before your workout. It helps hydrate and doesn’t make you feel too full for the workout but helps keep you feeling full. And just have your meal for after already prepped so you don’t overdo it. And always make sure to drink a ton of water during and after the workout. Enough water and hydration makes a huge difference with hunger for me. You got this! Keep it up!