Whole30 - Paleo Living

254 members $76,028.34 won 921 lbs

Francoise V.

03/25/2018 9:16AM
I keep slipping up and what I am discovering is that when I start eating gluten, dairy, sugar etc. I have no sense of moderation. I can't just have one cookie. So I'm trying to go Cold Turkey again with Whole30 because it's so much easier just to say "oh that's not an option" then to say "Oh I'll just have a little..." and then a little turns into a lot lol


03/06/2018 8:28AM
Hello everyone. I am on my second round of Whole 30 and just got back into a DB game after a few years. Hoping to find and offer support here.

Francoise V. and Cynda like this comment.


02/05/2018 1:19PM
Hi, I am paleo very much living it. 3 Weeks strong almost a month. Cleaned out my kitchen. And only paleo is left. I have found 5* recipes that are so good. Do we share in this group?

Midnight likes this comment.

Lizzy H.

02/04/2018 6:25PM
Hi! Is anyone still active in here? I am looking for a whole30 group! I am also starting a new dietbet, I'll be a first-time host! http://dbet.me/9z8ojU

Cynda likes this comment.


10/23/2017 11:01AM
Already in a DietBet? Did you know you could be in up to 3 kickstarters?? So join ours its SCRAMBLED LEGS & ACHIN' http://dbet.me/B2GOs1
Click below if you are already in a challenge, and it ends around the same time, join for more prizes and cash return!!! I HAVE PRIZES GALORE!!! JOIN US TODAY!!!

Natalia B.

09/14/2017 3:03PM
Hello Everyone!! I was so excited when I saw the title of the group because I'm going to start Whole 30 this month. I look forward to "meeting" you all. I just heard about DB a couple of days ago and liked the idea so much that I started my own Shake It Till You Make It challenge! (I'm an organizer at heart.) Sending everyone positive vibes that we'll all meet our health goals!

Ashlei and Trina J. like this comment.

Trina J.

09/11/2017 2:12PM
Hi all! I just signed up to do Dietbet starting next week. I had already planned to start my Whole 30 that week. I am happy I found this group. Since I won't be able to weigh myself during the course of the competition. I am hoping to find motivation and inspiration from others following a paleo lifestyle.


07/31/2017 1:16PM
Just made Pate (w chicken liver) from a Paleo Mom recipe. It's cooling still, but tastes amazing : ) I used more garlic and less herbs. Here's the recipe link: https://www.thepaleomom.com/recipe-liver-pate/
Also, here's my dog walking game, if you want to join me:

Artchick likes this comment.


07/30/2017 10:50PM
I joined this group because I have to do an AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet. It's a strict elimination diet that is basically Paleo without dairy, seeds, nuts, etc. I'm on my second month and have had to get really creative with my food. Tonight I made plantain chips and avocado/turkey nori rolls. Anyone else doing AIP?


06/09/2017 12:23AM
Hi everyone, I'm actually in day 20 of the Whole30 and trying my first dietbet in the next couple of days. Just in the 20 days my sugar levels went from 442 to under 100 now. Hoping that my A1c will drop also. Thinking of repeating the Whole30 again when I finish this one.