I'm playing catch-up on my blog posts...the last couple days have been a little crazy with job interviews (looking for a new job) and job assignments (for one of my current jobs NOT being replaced). I refused to let my schedule get in the way of my workouts, though! So after my hour-long telephone interview for an AMAZING position that would be a game-changer for my finances, I grabbed my ten pound dumbbells and took them to work with me. (My current brick-and-mortar job is 90% solitary, so I can work in some exercise without an audience.)
While at work, I did a shoulder workout of Arnold presses and alternating lateral and front raises. Since I only had ten pound dumbbells, I did higher reps to get to the burn stage. It worked, but I really prefer higher weights and more struggle. I also did three sets of 20 crunches and three one-minute planks for ab work. Later I was bored, so I did leg lifts on the floor, both on my back as well as on each side for some adductor/abductor work while core toning......so that was my Wednesday.
Thursday was leg day and again another telephone interview for the same position. (Yay! One step further!) Barely off the phone in time to head to work. It was leg day. I wondered what I would do without a leg press machine and cables. So I began with lunges. I can't get all sweaty at work because I'm in an upscale sales environment, so I would do lunges across the sales floor and back and take a break. I also did body weight squats, glute kickbacks, and step ups with a wood box I found in the riser room! LOL I'm shocked that my legs aren't at least a little sore today, quite honestly. Kinda makes me fear tomorrow morning when I wake up! I know day two is when leg soreness hits hard. We'll see...
Today is Friday. I had to drive an hour in the opposite direction of my regular job to get to an insurance assignment this morning, so I couldn't make it to the gym AGAIN today! GRRR I had to get up early to get that done and be to work on time. But it is arm day and my little dumbbells are here at work with me. So I will do bicep curls, alternate hammer curls and concentration curls for biceps...and skull crushers, dumbbell triceps extensions, and tate presses for triceps.
So it's been a crazy, crazy week! Normally I would allow myself to use that as an excuse not to exercise since I couldn't get to the gym...BUT NO MORE! I am determined to work my a$$ off (literally) and get back in shape!
On another note, I'm a bit discouraged that the scale stopped moving. I'm telling myself it's because I'm starting to add muscle and it's cancelling out the fat loss! I won't worry too much about it unless it continues into next week.
Have a great weekend, y'all!
*** It's now 3pm Texas-time and I got my workout finished! With this being week one, my arms are completely sore and MUSH! They really need the break this weekend, so I won't do my optional day six tomorrow. Well....maybe some ab work! ;)