1st Dietbet!


08/14/2014 7:37AM
Welcome! I find DietBet to be extremely helpful in terms of motivation and sustaining my healthy choices consistently. Having a deadline and specific goal helps me greatly. I hope you find it as great a site as I have!

Finding time to exercise can be a challenge, and it's even harder when exercise is something on your "to-do" list rather than your "get-to-do" list. Find something that you truly enjoy and that supports your non-weight-loss goals as well (relaxation and spending time with loved ones). Lynda had a great idea -- if your friends walk with you, you get to spend time with them, and the time passes more quickly and enjoyably. I find that I am better able to relax when my body is taken care of - workouts make my relaxation time all the more relaxing. I also end up with MORE energy on a regular basis when I am getting my workouts in. Don't forget to have FUN -- dance, play games, play tag with your kids (if you have them), do things that feed your soul.

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Weight lost

-0.8 lbs



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