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stephanie h.

03/16/2025 4:58PM in Flex Kickstarter
How did people do?

Naomi D. likes this comment.

Naomi D.

Did good, let me know I won already!


03/16/2025 1:51PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Not the way I wanted

I’ve been sick since last sunday, haven’t been able to workout and have barely eaten. So I’ve still lost 5 lbs.

HappyN210 , Jennifer L. and DietBet Grace like this comment.

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Jennifer L.

Praying you feel better soon


Please get well fast. I will keep you in my prayers, Stoko .

stephanie h.

03/14/2025 5:27PM in Fatgirlfedup's Spring Slimdown Dietbet
What's your big accomplishment for the day? Mine is getting exercise despite the weather.

Jane S. , Sarah S. and like this comment.

Lura F.

Yes the wind is horrible!

Stacy W.

Mine was getting my walk and workout in!

Sunflower Girl

03/14/2025 10:16AM in Fatgirlfedup's Spring Slimdown Dietbet
Did great yesterday with food, water and 12.5K steps. Today will be a challenge as it is my husbands birthday. He wants to eat at his favorite steak house so I know what I’ll eat.. 6 ozs of steak and a salad, plus a small glass of wine. No bread, no potato… this is so doable 🌻

Joy B. , Sarah S. and like this comment.


Good job going into it with a plan!

stephanie h.

Have fun!!

stephanie h.

03/14/2025 7:05AM in Flex Kickstarter
Yes!!!! I won!!

Naomi D. and Sharonda like this comment.

Naomi D.

Congratulations :tada::clap:

stephanie h.

03/14/2025 5:37AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
The wind is supposed to be insane today so I'll probably just bust out the walking pad and weights for a workout.

DietBet Grace and Tami K. like this comment.

stephanie h.

  • I did it!

DietBet Grace

Amazing, Stephanie!! I love my walking pad!

DietBet Grace

03/14/2025 5:04AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Happy Friday! How is everyone’s first week going? Any triumphs to share? Anything you’re struggling with? Share with us! We’re all here to help each other :)

    If you struggle to stay on track over the weekend, then now is the time to make a plan for yourself. It's all about being prepared and making wise choices. Don't feel deprived, feel empowered!

    Tips for a Healthy Weekend:
    -Plan ahead - So important to be prepared for whatever comes your way!
    -Drink your water - Hydration can ease hunger and help you feel satiated
    -Keep moving - It feels great and burns calories!
    -Moderation - Don't over do the food and drinks
    -Relax - Stress can lead to overeating. Take some time for yourself!
    -Sleep - We need our sleep and it aids our weight loss efforts!
    -Have fun!

    The weekend is also a great time to do some meal planning and prep for the week. Head to the grocery store and stock up on healthy options to have on hand.

    Have fun and make choices that will make you happy when you step on the scale on Monday! You've got this!

Ambyr , Sarah and Tami K. like this photo.

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Kristine M.

Our Wellness Committee at work (K-12 public school) set up a Wellness Challenge for this month, and that has been helping me stay on track! I need to do this for myself every month just to help motivate me! I'm making good progress on my current DietBet and using an accountability buddy at work, too, to help us both stay motivated.

DietBet Grace

You've got this, Stephanie!

And, Kristine, I love that your job offers that extra motivation! How fun!


03/13/2025 9:07AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
How do you stay motivated during your weight loss journey?

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Kristine M.

Small changes over time have big outcomes. Every day, add something new but keep consistent. Have a checklist if you need it. Also, try and drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day. That helps drastically. Try to get a certain amount of steps in a day if you have something to track it. You got this!


I love these marvelous tips. Thanks
stephanie h. has weighed in at xxx pounds
03/13/2025 6:05AM in Flex Kickstarter

Total weight lost is now 240 pounds! Average is 4.1 pounds.

stephanie h.

03/12/2025 6:43PM in Fatgirlfedup's Spring Slimdown Dietbet
I'm so proud of myself. Closed all the fitness rings every day this month. I killed February too!

Sarah S. , Svetlana S. and like this comment.

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