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02/11/2025 6:08AM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JANUARY 13th GAME!
  • Lost 21.4 lbs from 2 months ago, so proud of myself & I will keep going! Hope everyone else reached their goal as well! ❤

Tamzik , Coach Jenn , Catelyn W. , Joy and megan h. like this photo.



megan h.

That’s awesome :) good for you!!

Coach Jenn

02/06/2025 10:02PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JANUARY 13th GAME!
  • Great work this week, everyone!

    Just a reminder—the Final Challenge ends soon! Please be sure to comment under this post if you complete the challenge. You have until Saturday at 10:00 PM Pacific Time to report in. After that, we’ll hold the drawing for the $40 Amazon gift card or PayPal cash!

    Challenge recap:

    1. Water – Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day for 5 days this week.
    2. Fitness – Get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day for 5 days this week.
    3. Nutrition – Eat at least 5 servings a day from the fruit/vegetable group for 5 days this week.

    Keep up the great work—you’re almost there!

Joy , clara c. , Miki and Michelle S. like this photo.

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Final challenge done.



Coach Jenn

02/01/2025 10:59PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JANUARY 13th GAME!
  • Here are the drawing results for the Nutrition Challenge:

    All the players that completed the nutrition challenge were assigned a number. Then I ran a random number generator to select this weeks drawing winner.

    That means a big congratulations is in order for:

    Courtney B.

    Please email me at jenn.dietbet@gmail.com, and please include the following things in your email:

    1. Your screen name as is it listed above.
    2. The starting date of this game. (1/13)
    3. Please let me know if you want PayPal or an Amazon e-gift card, and what email address you would like me to use.

    **Next weeks challenge will be posted tonight! Let's have a great week!

Freckleheckle , Johnny P. , Michelle S. , megan h. and Joy like this photo.

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Heidi D.


Courtney B.

YAY! Just saw this and emailed you. I am so excited!

Coach Jenn

01/30/2025 11:55PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JANUARY 13th GAME!
  • Happy Friday, team!

    We’re nearing the end of our Nutrition Challenge! Please click on (comment) under this post if you complete the Nutrition Challenge and report in there! You have until Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time to report in. We will have our drawing shortly after that for the $30 cash prize!

    Challenge reminder:
    Eat 5 servings a day from the fruit/vegetable group, 5 days this week.

Lauren S. , megan h. and like this photo.

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jennifer r.

Done! :white_check_mark:


Challenge complete.

Coach Jenn

01/25/2025 10:27PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JANUARY 13th GAME!
  • Here are the drawing results for the Fitness Challenge:

    All the players that completed the fitness challenge were assigned a number. Then I ran a random number generator to select this weeks drawing winner.

    That means a big congratulations is in order for:

    Johnny P.

    Please email me at jenn.dietbet@gmail.com, and please include the following things in your email:

    1. Your screen name as is it listed above.
    2. The starting date of this game. (1/13)
    3. Please let me know if you want PayPal or an Amazon e-gift card, and what email address you would like me to use.

    **Next weeks challenge will be posted above! Let's have a great week!

Johnny P. , Lauren S. and like this photo.

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megan h.



Yeah Johnny!

Coach Jenn

01/23/2025 7:52PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JANUARY 13th GAME!
  • Hey team!

    We’re nearing the end of our Fitness Challenge! 💪 Be sure to comment under this post when you’ve completed the challenge to report your success. You have until Saturday at 10:00 PM Pacific Time to check in.

    Once all reports are in, we’ll hold the drawing for the $20 cash prize!

    Challenge reminder: Get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day for 5 days this week. Keep up the fantastic work—you’ve got this!

Catelyn W. , Christian C. and like this photo.

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jennifer r.



Done :heavy_check_mark:

Marcy D.

01/20/2025 8:17PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JANUARY 13th GAME!
consistent daily exercise is my challenge! What do any of you like to do?

Michelle S. , Christian C. , Danielle W. and Coach Jenn like this comment.

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Marcy D.

@Nicole W TY !

megan h.

Get on my bike or do my yoga

Coach Jenn

01/18/2025 10:31PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JANUARY 13th GAME!
  • Here are the drawing results for the Water Challenge:

    All the players that completed the water challenge were assigned a number. Then I ran a random number generator to select this weeks drawing winner.

    That means a big congratulations is in order for:

    jennifer r.

    Please email me at jenn.dietbet@gmail.com
    In the email please include the following 3 things:

    1. Your screen name as listed above
    2. The starting date of this game. (1/13)
    3. Please let me know if you want PayPal or an Amazon e-gift card, and what email address you would like me to use.

    **Next weeks challenge will be posted tonight! Let's have a great week!

Christian C. , Heidi D. and like this photo.

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Yeah Jennifer

megan h.



01/17/2025 1:00PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JANUARY 13th GAME!
  • This morning, Mother Nature gifted us with this art. Sun pillar extraordinaire. Sunlight reflects off the surfaces of ice crystals in the atmosphere.

    It's a very pretty reminder - water, frozen, lit up in the sky - The writing in the sky - Have a drink.
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Marcy D.

Beautiful! Where was this?


Marcy, Nova Scotia Canada

Coach Jenn

01/16/2025 9:45PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JANUARY 13th GAME!
  • We are off to a great start!!!

    We're near the end of our Water Challenge! Please click on (comment) under this post if you complete the challenge and report in there! You have until Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time to report in. We will have our drawing shortly after that for the $10 cash prize!

    *Challenge reminder: Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day, 5 days this week!

Christian C. , Susan and like this photo.

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Susan G.



Done :blush:
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