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Jenn and Kandice

09/12/2024 11:05PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! SEPTEMBER 12th GAME!
  • We are off to a great start!!!

    Friday is the last day of our Water Challenge! Please click on (comment) under this post if you complete the challenge and report in there! You have until Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time to report in. We will have our drawing shortly after that for the $10 cash prize!

    *Challenge reminder: Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day, Thursday and Friday!

Darlene S. , Elizabeth G. , Lisa F. , Plmbtom and Jamie S. like this photo.

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Zachary B.

Done! :)



Jenn and Kandice

09/11/2024 10:56PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! SEPTEMBER 12th GAME!
  • Welcome everyone, I'm so happy you're here! My name is Jenn, I'll be your host! Kandice is my sister and co-host.

    I like to do weekly challenges as part of our game, it helps to keep the game more interactive and motivating. You don't have to be a member to win a weekly challenge. (Optional of course)

    The first challenge is: The Water Challenge!

    Here is the challenge if you want to participate:
    Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day, Thursday and Friday! (September 12th and September 13th)

    Starting on Friday there will be a post here, at the top of the game feed, for you to comment under if you completed the challenge. The deadline to report in is Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time. The prize drawing will be held on Saturday shortly after that, for the $10 cash prize. Each week the prize amount goes up!

    And one suggestion, but not part of the challenge: Please introduce yourself and share your goals! Let us know where you are on your weight loss/fitness journey, and what your short/long term goals are! Just for fun let us know where you are from. I live in Utah.

    Let's get going!!!

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Kathryn M.

Hi! I’m Katie, and I’m a 32 year old stay at home mom to 2 kids under 2 & a doggo. I’m also in West Virginia :) I’m a healthy (but not ideal) weight pre-pregnancy but gained 65lbs each time. This app was helpful to lose it all with my first pregnancy. I’m 12 weeks postpartum, have lost 40lbs so far (including weight loss from giving birth), and just finished a kickstarter that I won! Let’s goooooo!!

Secondary challenge: find a water bottle that’s not being used to mix formula, stolen by my toddler to practice pouring water, or somewhere in my husband’s truck lol

Mathilda K.

I'm Mathilda and I'm 26. I live in France
I've been going to the gym since June and want to get muscular. This is in process but i still have some fat I want to get rid of ans that's why I'm here!
It's my first game and it looks like fun. :)

Ref Lynette

09/09/2024 1:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Congratulations and thank you to everyone who participated in this game! Whether you reached your goal or not, you were born for greatness and are a winner in my book! You made the commitment and put forth the effort to live a healthier lifestyle. The positive changes you made mean you succeeded. :)

    Be sure to get your final weigh-in submitted by 11:59PM PST on Tuesday, 9/10. If you have any troubles at all, please reach out to us at support@waybetter.com.

Kathryn M. , Lauren , josh b. , KaLeigh H. and NadyaG like this photo.

Kathryn M.

I did it!

Ref Lynette

Kathryn- YAY!! You're awesome!

Ref Lynette

08/30/2024 1:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Happy Friday everyone!

    Whether you’re celebrating a long holiday weekend (it’s Labor Day weekend in the United States) or just rolling into one of the last few weekends of the summer, it’s essential to enjoy the time off, yet equally crucial to maintain your momentum. Here are some tips for success–
    *Stay hydrated! Always carry a refillable water bottle and aim to refill it multiple times throughout the day. Staying hydrated not only keeps you feeling full but also ensures your body is functioning at its best
    *Moderation is key! While it’s okay to indulge a little, be sure to balance out that little splurge with healthier choices throughout the day (like skipping the hamburger bun or saying "No" to second helpings!)
    *Plan ahead with healthy recipes! How about a delicious grilled vegetable platter seasoned with herbs or fruit skewers for a refreshing sweet treat?
    *Get your body moving in the morning! Make a date to meet your friends in the park, on a trail, or at the gym for a workout or sports game. Committing to join others for an activity makes you more likely to stick to your plan

    We’d love for you to share your ideas on how you are going to make this weekend a healthy, happy, and empowering one!

NadyaG , KaLeigh H. , Christina O. and Malami89 like this photo.

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Ref Lynette

I love parades!! Have fun!


Thank you for tips

Taneil L.

08/29/2024 8:30AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Yesterday I ran/walked for 2 miles and road my bike for 18.75 miles.

    This morning I ran/walked for 3 miles. I ran for about 2 miles of it. Considering doing a 5K in October, but I hate running. 😁
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Ref Lynette

Taneil and Kathryn - you are definitely an inspiration!


Well done

Taneil L.

08/19/2024 7:26AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Good Monday morning everyone. Starting off the week with a 2 mile run. I actually ran 2 miles for the first time since 1998. On my way to winning the bet!!

Lori T. , Emily E. and like this photo.

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Well done. 2 miles its a great start

Kathryn M.

Congrats, that’s awesome!

Ref Lynette

08/19/2024 1:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Happy Monday everyone! It’s the start of week two – how are you doing?

    It’s a good idea to regularly check in with yourself to both pat yourself on the back for all your good choices and to define areas that need improvement and then make some changes. You’ve got this! Let us know how we can help!

    The meaning of this motivational quote can be interpreted in so many ways. Are you becoming a better person of character? Are you more positive today? Is your influence reaching more people today? Are you more determined today to reach your goals than you were yesterday? The bottom line is to stay focused on become a better version of yourself :)

    In what ways do you motivate yourself?  Please share with us an inspirational motto or an event or person that inspires you!

NadyaG , Leslie M. and like this photo.

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Kathryn M.

I’m 2 months postpartum with my second kid. I’m inspired by my achievement after my first was born; I lost the weight within 10 months. I’m inspired by the next baby lol My husband & I have instant baby fever, but I want to wait until I’m back to my normal, healthy weight. I’m inspired by my past running achievements and want to be fast again. I’m inspired by my kids & want to have zero trouble keeping up with them. I want to show them a healthy lifestyle. I don’t want to feel trapped in fat, and I want to look like myself again.

Ref Lynette

Great outlooks! You've got this!

Ref Lynette

08/16/2024 1:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Happy Friday! Are you ready for the weekend?

    If you’re Team “No Problem – I Got This!” the weekend allows you more time and freedom to work toward your goals – your routine stays pretty much the same, but you have an extra hour to get in a longer workout or have the opportunity to meal prep for the week.

    If you’re Team “Ohhh….The Weekends Can Be Challenging” once the weekend rolls around, you’re ready for a break from everything - including most of the healthy fitness and nutrition choices you made during the week.

    Take a moment this Friday afternoon to go over your weekend plans.  Planning ahead will make all the difference. What are some strategies you will put into action to set yourself up for success?  Let us know!

    Remember, your body doesn’t know it’s the weekend! Think about how good you’ll feel on Monday by making smart choices!

Malami89 , Crazyiniowa and Adele T. like this photo.

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Ref Lynette

I love how you all have a weekend plan that includes strategies to stay on track AND fun activities outside of the house! It's important to learn the appropriate balance between discipline and flexibility, so that we can enjoy social settings without the fear of sabotaging our efforts!

Ref Lynette

Paula- I'm glad you mentioned a sleep schedule! Going to bed at 10pm and getting 8 hours of sleep is much different than going to bed at 3am and sleeping until 11am. Our bodies really do thrive on a good sleep routine. I'm sorry to hear you're a fellow migraine sufferer :(

Ref Lynette

08/14/2024 1:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Hey everyone! It's Workout Wednesday!

    "You don’t have to be fit to move, you have to move to be fit."

    It's really that simple! Every action – large or small – counts and moves you closer to where you want to be. You just have to find the kind of workout or movement that you like doing!  Going to the gym is great… if you enjoy going to the gym!  Maybe chair aerobics, walking the dog or a dance party with your kids is more your speed. It's ALL good! Just aim to be physically active for 15-30 minutes each day doing something that you love!

    What's your favorite way to be active?  Let's get moving!

    Members! Don’t forget to submit your Progress Weigh-In for extra accountability and to be entered into the weekly prize drawing!

Bianka D. , Adele T. and like this photo.

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Ref Lynette

IT'S ALL GOOD! Celebrate these positive behaviors- your mind and body thank you!

Ref Lynette

Kathryn M- Congrats on the newest addition to your family! So sweet!

Ref Lynette

08/12/2024 3:08AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Happy Monday! Welcome everyone! It's Day 1 and we're all here ready to take action and crush our goals!

    Take a moment to define the smaller steps that will get you to your goal - drink more water? start/stick to a workout schedule? cleaner eating? better sleep routine?

    The key to success is having a SOLID PLAN in place and IN WRITING. Studies show you have a better chance of success when you write it down because it's is like having a map you can reference when you travel.

    If you need to up your water game- Find ways to make it more enjoyable - infuse it with fresh fruit such as strawberries or watermelon for flavor. And track your intake! What gets measured gets done.

    Establishing healthy sleep habits can support your weight loss efforts. Turn off the lights, turn off your phone and aim for the recommended 7-9 hours.

    Plan your workouts - Treat them like work and show up even if you don't want to. You are your own boss and you need to be tough on yourself. I promise you will be happy you got that workout in!

    Writing down what you eat and drink or taking photos of your snacks and meals or using a food tracking app keeps it real. Do you need to reduce portion sizes? Is there a healthier choice?

    Is your plan in place? What are some of the strategies you will be taking to get to your goal? Feel free to get it in writing in the comments below!

MaSa , Malami89 and like this photo.

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Ref Lynette

I love how defined everyone's plans are!
This is how you make success happen!


For me its hard to stuck with plan but I decided to choose healthy food and be active more plus more water
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