danielle j.

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DietBet Winnings: $50.65

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danielle j.

09/17/2024 12:57PM in Summer Mega Transformer - Double Your Winnings!
Uggg so discouraging- made progress towards my goal and now just a few days later I’m back up to higher than I was at the end of last challenge- I’m hoping this is water retention related 😔

Ada Marie N.

If you are counting your calories and you are in deficit, it sure is, don't give up!

danielle j.

09/14/2024 4:11PM in Summer Mega Transformer - Double Your Winnings!

I’m so confused- I was just looking at the rules and it says the average transformer wins $375 if they are successful in all six rounds- is that $375 after our $100/month bet?

Or am I now playing a game where even if I win I lose $225?

danielle j. likes this comment.

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Ada Marie N.

Dietbet never let you lose money if you win. At least, you get what you bet - in the case where everybody met their quota

Referee Audrey R.

Hi Danielle, Kirsty is correct, the averages is based on the transformer games with a $40 per round bet, not the $100 per round bet that this game has.
Jorge, for the transformer games, half of each round's fee goes to the Round 6 pot so that is the largest pot of the game.
If you guys have any other questions, please reach out to support@waybetter.com. We don't want to miss any questions.

danielle j.

09/10/2024 1:24PM in Summer Mega Transformer - Double Your Winnings!
Phew- I was getting so close to my goal for this round and then this week has been chaos and I’ve eaten so much junk that I’m worried 😟 teething babies, head lice, and patellar tendinitis are throwing me


*hug* you still have time to get back on board with your healthy habits. You don't have to be perfect every day, you just have to keep the faith and keep making good decisions. We're in this for the long haul.

You don't have to do everything perfectly all at once. Pick one good habit to commit to this week, and build from there. Do something you'll be proud of, that'll help you build momentum.


08/13/2024 7:11AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Start weight: 182.4
Current weight: 177.6

Have 2.5 pounds more to lose to meet this goal but personally, I’d like to hit those 160’s by month end. Increasing the workouts today, eating more on point (cutting sugars way back), and getting in 10k steps a day. I’m going to do this!

We got this!!!

FoxandSuch , Paula M. and like this comment.

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Wendy S.

Let’s go! Looking to hit the 160’s as well’

Jazzy R.

You got this!!

Kimmy J.

08/12/2024 4:21PM in Summer Mega Transformer - Double Your Winnings!
I just crossed into the goal zone, now to build a bit of a cushion.

JB , Katie N. and like this comment.

danielle j.

Me too! Way to go!

Christina B.

Good job!

Carolyne B.

08/11/2024 9:27AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
For better or worse... I will weigh in tomorrow.

I got on the scale this morning and all the beer and pizza and muffins I had late last night/this morning were shaking their head at me 😆. I have been so good for the past couple weeks and I think it's because I had cut out the alcohol.
I don't know if I am just super hungry when I drink or if I am just better at talking myself into bad food choices when I drink, Either way double workout here I come!!!

FoxandSuch , Paula M. and like this comment.

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danielle j.

Phew- the alcohol itself can be brutal too at 100 calories per gram- I’m always thinking through my relationship with alcohol

kelly M.

I find that indulging for one or two days does increase my weight but once I'm back on plan that weight goes off really quickly. It's like I haven't given it time to stick

danielle j.

08/03/2024 6:11PM in Summer Mega Transformer - Double Your Winnings!
What happens if you exceed your goal in a round? Does your total goal stay the same?

Bad news: I’ve got a nasty stomach bug

Good news: it’s accelerated my weight loss

JB , Christina B. , Katie N. and Thomas like this comment.

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olivia m.

Oh wow good to know I never knew that

Christina B.

Hope you feel better. 12% is an outrageous number to lose in 1 months. Even with illness, it's nearly impossible.

Garrett S.

08/02/2024 9:42PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Recap Day 5

    Starting weight: 203.3
    Today weight: 196.0
    Percentage change - 3.59%

    What I ate:

    1/2 gallon of water
    Celsius energy drink
    3 electrolyte packets
    4 slices of Swiss cheese
    4 slices of provolone cheese
    12oz of 85/15 grass fed ground beef

    Very minimal activity today. Probably under 1,000 steps due to having the day off. Was craving sweets last night after a friend brought up that Pilsner’s now makes a Cinnamon Toast Crunch cinnamon roll that I can have delivered to my door. Stayed strong though and kept to my scheduled way of eating for the month. Unusually had a bit of loose stool an hour after eating the ground beef Very feeling great now though!

    Having very steady energy through the day. I’ve read it’s due to not having spikes in my blood sugar from no carbs or sugar. It’s been fun not feeling sleep or lethargic mid day. Face is clearing up and ready to face the weekend.

    Also had to do a weigh in photo today for this weeks giveaway. I can literally already feel a difference in how a shirt fits compared to five days ago. Big goals ahead of me.

    Day 5 of 28 completed

Christi K. , Ginger C and like this photo.

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Mary B.

Have to come back and agree with danielle. For me, I think I would be very hungry. lol

Garrett S.

@Danielle J

I have done it before but only for 2 1/2 weeks. I saw very similar results but I really struggle with eating LARGE quantities of bad food. Typical for me would be a dozen donuts, four candy bars, two boxes of cookies and a variety of other terrible food choices. I would literally eat all of that in 24 hours. And I would do it 2-3 days a week. I don’t have a great relationship with food. So I’m learning to get that under control.

If I can get that under control, I feel confident I can maintain the weight.


08/02/2024 5:47AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Good morning everyone! I am very much a creature of habit, and I eat the same things over, and over, and over…. Help me get some variety! What are your favorite vegetarian/vegan recipes?

Juanita G. , Malami89 and like this comment.

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Red lentils and squash curry, boston bean loaded sweet potatoes jacky. Its my favourite

danielle j.

There are quite a good number of lettuce cup renditions that I like - currently into one with mushrooms cashews shaved carrots and cabbage peanut butter soy and seasonings

danielle j.

08/01/2024 9:12PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Out of the newborn postpartum stage and ready to fit into my clothes again because I’m too cheap to buy more - of course my first week on a bet I get sick

Juanita G. , Isabel H. and like this comment.

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Referee Grace

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon, Danielle! Get some rest!

Mary B.

Aww feel better!
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