Overeater Tips

649 members $181,921.73 won 2,143.9 lbs


07/02/2020 8:01PM
Hellooo everyone! Thank you for creating and maintaining this group. It will be great to definitely support one another. Today was a little shaky with my stress level, but I didn't cave in. I did eat too late though. Wishing everyone the best because we got this!

Georgina C.

02/27/2018 9:56AM
Hi, I eat for so many reasons, when I’m happy, sad, bored and I know I can’t stop but I’d love to know what you’ve been doing to keep the pounds at bay? 😊 x

Gabzzie likes this comment.

Stacey S.

02/23/2018 2:18AM
Hey everyone,

I am hoping that my current transformer will be the last one forever after years of yo-yo dieting. As a way to look forward to maintenance and never having to lose this much again I contacted DietBet to ask if they had a Maintainer coming up. They do! It starts in April which is the same time when we have to reach our goal weight on this bet. I am hoping by joining this Maintainer that I will never have to 'diet' again. Here is the link- please join me! http://dbet.me/kcBX4u

Kathy likes this comment.

Coach J.

02/22/2018 3:06PM
Hey guys, I used to weigh 380 lbs, so I know exactly what that insatiable desire to overeat feels like. When I'm starving, I'll have a protein shake that's full of fat, protein, and a small amount of carbohydrate to keep me full for at least 6 hours. Here's my favorite recipe for a chocolate milkshake, loaded with nutrients and antioxidants:

1/2-1 full avocado
1 banana
2 scoops protein powder (50g of protein)
1-2 cups whole milk or soymilk
2 tbsp cacao
1 tbsp cinnamon
blended w/ a few ice cubes

I've created my first Kickstarter for likeminded people, which I'd love for you to join here: http://dbet.me/ZhLJSN
I'll be sharing tips like these and offering as much support as you need. It's almost like Overeaters Anonymous, except it's much more effective! ;)

Kathy and Gabzzie like this comment.


02/13/2018 7:56PM
Looking forward to hearing about easy fixes and good inspirations!

Laura T.

02/05/2018 6:19PM
Looking forward to hear all the inspiration and tips


01/05/2018 4:13PM
Tip #8. Measure everything! There have been countless times when I skip measuring my food, and estimate how much 1 cup is... Only to end up eating 5 cups. Actually measuring your food will help you know exactly what is going in and out. This way, you know when to stop eating.

AJ likes this comment.


Gabi I am trying to remember what WW used to say when eating out and how to count your measurements. I know meat is the size of your palm (like a card of decks). Maybe you can Google on eyeballing measurements.


10/25/2017 6:12AM
Looking for that next DietBet? Join me and my tribe at Nakina's Healthy for the Holidays http://dbet.me/xEARzi
Feel free to share and remember The More The Merrier! Let's get through this together and share recipes, tips, or just motivate each other!! JOIN NOW!!!!


10/23/2017 10:59AM
Already in a DietBet? Did you know you could be in up to 3 kickstarters?? So join ours its SCRAMBLED LEGS & ACHIN' http://dbet.me/B2GOs1
Click below if you are already in a challenge, and it ends around the same time, join for more prizes and cash return!!! I HAVE PRIZES GALORE!!! JOIN US TODAY!!!


07/15/2017 11:44AM
Hi y'all! I just joined DietBet today. This looks like a great group for me. Looking forward to learning how to stop eating when I'm not hungry. And I need some help getting myself off my bum and on my feet. I have a 1yr old puppy who needs walks daily. I just haven't been able to make myself do it for a while. Help! Thanks.