I weighed in around January 1 for my DB that started then.  I then weighed in this past Sunday for 2 more DBs that were starting on Monday.  I weighed in today for my weekly weigh in for one of my Transformers.  My weight has gone up from the 1st to Sunday and up again today.  I have been walking almost twice my step goal this week.  I have been increasing my water and getting my water goal as per my water your body app the past few days.  I have had a calorie deficit of 1,000 or more at least these past few days.  It is frustrating and discouraging to be doing everything right that I did right last month and won all my DBs, but not seeign the scale go in the right direction.


I will not get discouraged though.  I know a few of my food choices haven't been the best even though they fit in my calorie plan.  I also know that walking is not the best exercise for burning calories and fat for me.  My prime fat burning exercise is Yoga and I haven't done Yoga since New Year's Eve (hence my lowest weight so far on New Year's Day).  My AeroPilates does pretty well on weight loss for me too and my Sit 'N Cycle stationary bike is better than walking too.  I know it's time to get back into the swing of exercising besides walking 3 times a week.  Calorie deficit, water, and walking alone does not work for me.


In the past with dieting I would have gotten discouraged by now and given up with the numbers on the scale going up.  I am so thankful for DB.  It has helped me finally hone in and realize what exercises are better for me and what aren't super at weight loss for me.  Now I know where my prime burning rate is and I know what I have to do.  I need to just get over this lethargy that has set in since all the crazyness of the holidays is over and everything is back to normal.  I just feel like resting because I feel exhausted from the constant go go go energy from the holidays and my niece visiting for a week.  


Perhaps one more day of rest is permissable as long as I get my calorie deficit, water and my step goal.  Then I can still have 4 days left to fit in my 3 days of exercise this week.  I hear it as I say it, this is my old lazy self talking putting things off, but I will for sure do 30 mins of Yoga one day, 30 mins of AeroPilates one day and 30 mins of Sit 'N Cycle between now and the end of Sunday.  Having it here in writing to come back and comment on Sunday evening is what will keep me accountable.  


Well perhaps it won't be 30 minutes of each, but I will get 30 mins of exercise from these 3 options or my FitStar App which has shorter sessions by the end of the week.  Then when I do my initial weigh in Saturday or Sunday for my DB that starts on Monday, I will be able to see the numbers in the scale going back in the right direction.