3 months ago I started my first db. It feels like a very long time ago. So much has happened in these 90 days-- Chris is right, 90 days can change your life! I'm down 26 lbs, and thrilled. I look better and feel better than I have in years. I managed to keep going strong after the surgery and through the chemo.
So here I am, a little stuck. I'm eating right and exercising, BUT. Something is missing. That extra little internal push that keeps me moving till I get 10,000 steps, the part that had me off the sofa at night, taking an extra walk around the neighborhood before bed, the part of me that wouldn't dare let me lose a bet.
Im not sure where it went. I was watching EWL last night and reading about all the great workouts others are doing, and missing my drive. I'm writing this all here in an attempt to find it again. I'm at risk of losing a second bet, and it's driving me crazy. I won my first 3 bets--not all of them easily. Then I had a rough week. I lost my first bet. That didn't stop me from getting back on board and losing what I'd gained, but it has slowed my momentum.
Let me be clear. I'm not stopping and I'm not giving up. I just think I need a new goal. Like in EWL, after 3 months Chris places a new challenge before the participants to rev them up again. I met a major goal in the last 3 months--competing at a horse show 10 days ago. It was a huge emotional high.
What will bring me that sort of high again? Enough to get me taking my workouts to the next level? Three months from now will take me to early November. By then my chemo should be complete. By then my daughter should be home. By then I WILL have reached my goal weight of 145 lbs. I wish there were someone to say, " And you will do _________".
Any suggestions? I'm really struggling here...