Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals

Lose 4% in 4 weeks!

Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals

Sep 03 - 30/Game Closed
Hosted by @ilanamuhlsteinrd
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Sep 03






Game Begins

Sep 03

Last Day to Join

Sep 16

Final Weigh-In

Oct 01 - Oct 02


Bet $35

to start

Lose 4%

in 4 weeks


Split the pot

How do you verify the weight loss?

For all official weigh-ins, you'll be prompted to submit your official starting weight. Our standard weigh-in process involves you submitting 2 photos: one of you standing on a scale in lightweight clothing (no shoes, hats, belts, watches, coats, or outerwear), and another of the scale’s readout with your weigh-in word written on a piece of paper.

What you'll need

  • A scale (preferably digital)
  • A digital camera or smartphone
  • A full-length mirror or someone to take your photo
  1. Privacy FAQ +
  2. How we prevent cheating +

Does this actually work?

Out of 1,039,224 DietBetters, 93.54% have lost weight during their challenges. Combined, they've lost 19,679,993 lbs and won $101,121,996. In other words...yes.

All results shown on DietBet are from actual users. Individual results may vary.

Don't take our word for it

Samantha P.

09/04/2024 9:06PM
I have gained 20lbs since having my babies. Lately, with all the rage on increased protein, eating enough carbs, lifting, decreased cardio, getting 10 000 steps, I have found myself spinning trying to check off all the boxes. It has actually gotten me to an unhealthy place, and I have gained weight instead of lost. I had an epiphany last night to stop focusing on all these different things and to just focus on intuitive eating, portion control (calorie deficit) and the exercise I love to do (hit, lifting, running), which has worked for me before. Anyone else feeling stressed about all the things we are “supposed to” focus on now to lose weight?

Christina B. , Roni T. and like this comment.

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Sarah M.

I agree. I’m right there with you…Im am finding as much as I love 2b mindset I start to just feel hungry, (I will start her book soon maybe I’m just not eating enough fiber filled carbs?) so I am going to do more water more veggies and a sensible meal. I’ll also be tracking the food I eat to make sure I’m in a deficit.

Sarah-Louise H.

Yes!! I feel this in my soul! Haha.

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