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09/15/2024 10:38PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
I don’t have any problems with Dinner and Done but struggle BIG TIME with the weekend…like I rarely have a WLW. I know Ilana said many of her clients have an easier time losing weight on the weekend but I am the opposite…I lose M-F then gain it all back on the weekends (social events, snacks, too many silly foods/treats). I workout on the weekends, try to plan ahead and even pre-track but it often gets thrown out the window. Please please share your tips! You all have been so helpful. Thank you!! I’m not giving up!!!

Clarissa A. , CSexton311 and like this comment.

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I've always had problems with this. I know it's not the recommended practice, but I just scheduled a cheat day on the weekend. My goal is to be good for 6 of the 7 days and make a list of the foods I wanted but didn't get. On a cheat day, I pull the list and do some of the foods. Nothing is off-limits. For me, this eases my food itches and requires less willpower because I'm not saying 'no'. I'm saving the food as an option for a later date.

Dominique O.

This is a big problem for me too. This weekend I looked at the posts on here and really asked myself how I feel when jumping on the scale and see it goes up. I also ask myself if I really want the food I’m about to eat and if it’s a yes then I say would I eat broccoli instead if I’m that hungry and if that’s a no then I know it’s just the temptation

Jessica G.

09/14/2024 3:24AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
  • In early this year I was really motivated and disciplined to lose weight, it all went fine. But then my 15 year old dog got sick and from nowhere in that my 13 year old dog died. After that I lost it, gained some weight back and couldn't focus at all.
    So now it's time to give my all, lose that weight again and start feeling better. Spending my days in the forest with my 3 dogs and around 3-5 days a week at the gym.

    Good luck to everyone 😊

Mary B. , Maggie S. and like this photo.

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Christine V.

So sorry for your loss. You’re got this!


So so sad for you…it’s so hard. I lost my fur baby in Dec. But all your pups want is for you to be happy and healthy, so dedicate this to them!! Sending you hugs and prayers.


09/11/2024 10:22PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
  • I confess I have a pumpkin spice addiction (which will turn into a gingerbread addiction during the holidays)…these limited edition/seasonal items give me this weird scarcity mindset. Tried to get healthier choices but any tips?

Jess S. , Rochelle D G. and like this photo.

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Jill N.

  • These are good too! https://pin.it/1oCOUZ1OU

Caroline H.

Just buy cans and cans of pumpkin! You can add it yourself to yogurt, smoothies, breads, coffee, pancakes

Christina S.

09/11/2024 6:19AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
I would love to hear wins or perspective shifts on dinner and done! It’s maybe the biggest mindset shift of all. Is it getting easier for anyone?

Tessann , Shannon L. and like this comment.

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Amanda V.

It is taking me a while to readjust this mindset, I'm going to try the brushing teeth straight after dinner, I've been good but last night my son was eating chips and I had a few of them.

Shannon L.

It seems to be that snacking after dinner is more of a habit than caused by hunger. But if it is truly hunger, another option is to eat 5-6 smaller meals during the day instead of 3 larger meals. The most important thing is that any after dinner grazing does not add significantly more calories. Keep track of your macros to see how badly after dinner snacking is hurting your weight loss progress.

Nicci L.

09/06/2024 4:15PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Any other vegans here? If so, would love to hear what foods you’ve been eating to win this month :)

Eric R. , Amanda V. and like this comment.

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Eli M

I've been vegan 5 or 6 years. When I'm in these games my goto recipes are chili, lasagna, and split pea soup. I'll usually make a lot and then eat the left overs for days. And smoothies.

Lisa H.

My go to lunch is seasoned baked tofu, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and hummus on a wheat pita. :green_heart: If the veggies don't fit, I put them on the side and eat them as I go :)


09/02/2024 8:29PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals

Hi Everyone! 👋

I am so excited for this group to get started! First, I want you to take a moment and feel proud of yourselves for being here today. Committing to this goal is a powerful step towards taking charge of your health and well-being. Remember, this is not just about losing weight; it’s about gaining confidence, energy, and a more positive outlook on life!

Here’s why this journey is a win-win for everyone:

1. Outcome One: You’ve invested $35 to shift your focus away from daily distractions and into something that uplifts you—a positive routine, a supportive community, and a chance to learn healthier habits, recipes, and insights. 🌟
2. Outcome Two: You meet the challenge head-on, lose 4% or more of your weight in a way that feels energetic, focused, and fun—and you get a nice little financial reward too! 💰

Either way, you’re a winner. The moment you signed up, you proved to yourself that you’re ready for this. Let’s make this journey fun, inspirational, and uplifting for each other. Let’s cheer each other on more than ever before, post more, and show up for one another with our fullest enthusiasm. The more positive energy we share, the more we build a habit of speaking kindly to ourselves.

And if you haven’t already, now is also a fantastic time to dive into the 2Mindset Superblock! (Comes Free with BODi membership) It’s the perfect complement to our accountability group and can offer even more tools to help you succeed. 🎉

We’re a group of winners, and we each have something valuable to share. To kick things off, please introduce yourself in the comments below. Tell us where you’re from and what non-scale victory you hope to achieve in the next 4 weeks. Remember, every little step counts!


Feel free to adjust any part of the message to make it feel even more personal to your style!

Christina B. , Anne V. and like this comment.

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Amanda C.

Hi! Amanda from NJ. I am trying to shift my focus away from the end goal (or number on the scale) to actions that I can take every day to increase longevity!

Christina B.

I'm Christina, a soon to be divorced mother of 3. I am hoping to see my energy levels improve in addition to the physical perks of weight-loss. I am working hard to be mentally, physical, and emotionally healthier this year. Glad to be here to help motivate me to reach towards my goals.


09/01/2024 12:08PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
What do y’all eat for lunch so you don’t need an afternoon snack? I eat breakfast of eggs and oats at 7am, lunch at 11:45am which is a big salad with chicken breast or salmon, then I’m STARVING around 3pm and with kids’ sports we don’t eat dinner until 7pm. I end up eating way too many snacks around 4-5pm and I got sick of raw veggies, so trying to eliminate snacking if I can. Any ideas/tips? Thank you!!! Excited to lose fat with y’all!!

CSexton311 , Christina B. and like this comment.

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Sabrina D

Are you having a fiber filled carb at lunch w that salad?
And either way, in various seasons I find I need a veggie Appetizer to dinner - something easy and tasty!

Amy S.

I have discovered I need a lot more protein at each meal - like 40 grams or more. Otherwise I am hungry again in a couple hours and end up snacking between meals.