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07/31/2024 7:06PM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
  • Giveaway to win one of two fedup tees! To enter to win leave below your favorite weight loss quote! All winners announced at the end of our game, good luck!

Cindy D. , MookieKWatson and like this photo.

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Stacey D.

“Results happen over time, not overnight. Work hard, stay consistent and be patient"


“You only have one body, so take care of it.”
Amanda G. has weighed in at xxx pounds, down 3.3 pounds
07/25/2024 12:05PM in emilys jump into summer

Total weight lost is now 94 pounds! Average is 1.7 pounds.

Emily H.

07/10/2024 7:18PM in emilys jump into summer
Mid week check in.. how is everyone doing? On track? Struggling?

Sarah R. , Cj P. , Amanda G. and Malami89 like this comment.

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I'm doing great!

Sarah R.

On track!

Ref Lynette

07/09/2024 10:39PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
  • Hello everyone! How is your week going so far?
    Welcome to Workout Wednesday!

    Some of you mentioned that activity is a part of your plan for success. Not only does daily physical activity help you to burn more calories, exercise offers incredible benefits that can improve nearly every aspect of your health. It strengthens your heart and lungs and can build muscle. It boosts your endurance, self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, with all these advantages to exercising, we need to get our bodies moving. Make it FUN FOR YOU!

    *Dance to your favorite playlist!
    *Use water bottles (filled!) for hand weights or get to the gym and lift!
    *Play hide-and-seek outside with your kids or water aerobics in the pool!
    *Take a walk around your office building at lunchtime!
    *Get in that HIIT workout!
    *Yoga and Pilates are great ways to stretch your body!

    What’s your favorite way to get in a good workout? Do you like to get in done first thing in the morning so you can cross it off the list? What new activity might you try this week?
    Let us know in the comments!

    Members! Don’t forget to submit your Progress Weigh-In for extra accountability and to be entered into the weekly prize drawing!

Cindy D. , Heather K. and like this photo.

Amanda G.

First thing in the morning ti get it done and over with lol! I also take the dog for a walk in the evening... if we miss a day he turns into a real jerk about it... lol!

Ref Lynette

Those pup walks are a great way to get in some serious steps!!

Ref Lynette

07/08/2024 3:36AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings!
  • Happy Monday! It's Day 1 - LET'S DO THIS!

    I'm thrilled to be here to motivate, help answer questions and encourage you in reaching your goals! And remember, we are strongest when we cheer each other on!

    Now is the time to take a moment to set some personal goals for this game. Once you've determined what your goals are (drink more water, workout goals, practice gratitude, sleep routine, etc), the key to success is having a SOLID PLAN in place. Studies show that putting it in writing helps.

    Let us know your plan for success!

Cindy D. , Heather K. and like this photo.

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Ref Lynette

I love the variety here! They are good reminders of what works!

Cindy D.

My goal was exercising more and keeping my nutrition on point. I have made good strides in both!