18 pounds down, 276 to go! I have to be in this for the long haul. Personal share warning: After 8 years of abuse, 3 years ago and pregnant with our 5th child, I escaped from H E double you know what, a "relationship". In the year that followed I gained 100+lbs, on top of the 314 I already was. I could no longer swim, because I had/have the kids 24/7, no breaks. But, what was my fault, is that I ate and ate. Now, I can barely stand! This is one major point of control, to make life better for my kids and me. I'm sharing this to gather strength, because the end is near to this diet bet. (Yes I'm entering the next one!) But, there are 3 days in between. I have to find a different way to celebrate that isn't overeating. Thank you all again so much. I've NEVER intentionally lost weight in my life before this last month. I'm amazed and hopeful.