TIP OF THE DAY: Tendonitis- tendinitis is a common ailment that all people get sometime in their life. But with people who exercise regularly, it's a given. Tendonitis NEVER goes away once you get it, but it's the degree of inflammation that hampers you or not.
A couple of ways to reduce tendonitis is to ALWAYS do a sufficient warm up before you exercise hard. Many times it's just simulating the movement you do without resistance. And the second way is to wear a sleeve over the area that's bothered. A PULLON sleeve is better than one you use with velcro. I use elbow and knee sleeves whenever I train (I don't wear them other than training). They keep the joint warm and reduce some of the load off the joint (where tendons connect). And lastly STRETCH the area where the tedonitis is DAILY and frequently. The more stretching done, the less tension on the tendon thereby reducing the inflammation.