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Paula M.

09/09/2024 7:10AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
I've done several DietBet challenges over the past few years and won all but 1 of them. I am very money motivated, so I'm playing not just to lose weight but also to get my money back. I live alone and precook as much as I can. If I find a new food I like I'll google a recipe for it and fine-tune it to make it healthy and delicious. Two years ago I got down to 185 which was my goal at the time, but since then I've had some life changes and a serious illness which incapacitated me and caused me to take steroids for several months. Needless to say I gained most if the weight back but I'm on track now, this is my 2nd challenge in 2 months and I'm determined to get back to where I want to be. Keep at it, you can make changes in your body and life, don't give up!!!

Adele T. , Shannon L. and like this comment.

Ref Gina

Thanks for sharing!

Donna Harmony

09/08/2024 8:26AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • I have the plan. That's not the problem. Plans work. Following the plan is the problem. I want to eat low carb, but last night I cooked rice and biscuits. I live alone. No one can see what I eat, but my body sure keeps the score!

Adele T. , Shannon L. , Ref Gina , Morgan O. and Dea P. like this photo.

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Donna Harmony

Great perspective! I have a neighbor across the street that enjoys any food I want to bring her.

Shannon L.

Riced cauliflower is a great substitution!

Wendy S.

08/26/2024 1:32AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
I was so close when I went to sleep. I couldn’t wait til morning. Woke up and weighed in 1/2 pound under goal!!! So excited. I thought I blew it 10 days ago. Thanks for the encouragement everyone!!!

Sina , E M. and like this comment.

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Wendy S.

Thanks, everyone!

Christopher D C.

Awesome work, Wendy!!!

Garrett S.

08/17/2024 11:43PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Recap Day 20

Starting weight: 203.3
Today weight: 187.4
Percentage change - 7.82%

What I ate:

1/2 gallon of water
C4 energy drink
2 electrolyte packets
8oz steak
1tb butter
3 eggs

I cannot curb these cravings for the life of me. I am thinking it’s the artificial sweeteners in the energy drink I have every day. As much as I don’t want to, I think I may start cutting that out. Literally fighting DEMONS every night. However this maybe the most self control I’ve ever had in my life.

I can see my face is slimming down and I’m fitting into shirts that were tight just three weeks ago. A lot of progress has been made over the last 16 pounds. I cannot imagine what another 16 pounds will feel like. Hoping I can make it that far.

I should say I AM going to make it that far.

8 days remain

FoxandSuch , Ginger C and like this comment.

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Garrett S.

Lis P,

Pretty close to the same thing every day.

Referee Grace

You're making great progress, Garrett! I hate to admit it but I've been coming to the realization that I need to cut out my energy drinks as well. I never used to drink them at all until a couple of years ago, and honestly I don't even feel that it gives me that much "energy" - they are just so addictive!

Theresa B.

08/17/2024 1:58PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Did a competition today at the gym. PR back squat in 30 min followed a 1 mile run. I hit 155lbs & my run time was 10:34. Got 3rd place! I'll take it. Here's me about dead afterwards

FoxandSuch , Ginger C and like this photo.

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Well done

Referee Grace

Great job, Theresa!

Mary B.

08/15/2024 6:04AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Ugh, how can I lose 5 pounds in 11 days? I have to be super focused. To the battle field....

FoxandSuch , Referee Grace and like this comment.

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Paula M.

Drink water, don't eat processed foods, and walk or do some kind of calorie-burning exercise. When I get down to the wire and am not where I need to be I lug the elliptical out, lol.

Mary B.

Thank you, Paula, I agree!

Garrett S.

08/07/2024 11:36PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Recap Day 10

Starting weight: 203.3
Today weight: 194.0
Percentage change - 4.57%

What I ate:

1/4 gallon of water
C4 energy drink
2 electrolyte packets
2 slices of Muenster cheese
2 slices of Havarti Cheese
1/4 cup of blue cheese crumbles
4oz cold cut turkey meat

Short recap today. I had a short day turn into a long emergency job at work. Was starving by 3pm so I went to the store to get a snack (turkey and blue cheese) and thought I would eat a steak tonight. But I wasn’t really hungry when I got home. Another light eating day but feeling great. I didn’t pack enough water which is unusual but won’t happen again. I need my hydration and electrolytes.

Today when walking through the store I felt my shirt swaying where my love handles usually are so it was a great feeling to feel less compression from my shirt in my sides. My body is changing! But I still have love handles lol.

I had 20 minutes worth of cravings today for ice cream, donuts and whipped cream but they went away quickly thank goodness.

Even though I’m having pretty quick number changes, I was feeling so annoyed with myself for gaining this much weight. It’s frustrating it takes so long to get it off but I did this to myself. Constantly reminding myself this is a marathon not a sprint but today was a bit of a battle with my mind set in that regard.

“Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision.” — Toni Sorenson

19 to go

Garrett S. , Juanita G. and like this comment.

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Garrett S.


I appreciate you and your words of encouragement. Needing them right now. Thank you.


I like the quote of Toni Sorenson. It always start from head and our decisions


08/01/2024 10:27AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
I signed up for the challenge last month and completely failed. Life threw major curveballs at me that I wasn’t able to control and I lost focus on myself. I gave myself grace and I’m ready to start again.

Janelle F. , Nicci L. and like this comment.

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Referee Grace

I'm proud of you for signing up again! We're all cheering for you!

Mary B.

It's only a fail if we give up. You are betting on your health, and that's heroic! Best of luck!

Paula M.

08/01/2024 4:06AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
I got laid off in June, started a new job last week, am feeling mentally and physically healthy, and am ready to get back to looking outside how I'm feeling inside!

Referee Grace , Kimberly N. and like this comment.

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Good luck

Referee Grace

How exciting! Congratulations, Paula!

Garrett S.

07/31/2024 7:47PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Recap Day 3

    Starting weight: 203.3
    Today weight: 197.8
    Percentage change - 2.70%

    What I ate:

    1/2 gallon of water
    Celsius energy drink
    2 electrolyte packets
    2 hard boiled eggs with ranch seasoning
    6 slices of Swiss cheese
    8oz grass fed New York strip
    2tbs of sugar free bbq sauce
    8oz Milo’s sugar free tea

    Probably could have eaten more today. I remember in June of 2022, I went up to 222lbs after a trip to Disneyland and I did a 24 hour fast afterwards and it made me realize I literally forgot what it was like to feel hungry. Tonight I know I could eat more, but I like to sometimes stay a little hungry as a reminder that my body does not need to be stuffed with food all the time and it’s okay to be not fully gorged. I have plenty of fat on my body that my body can use for fuel.

    Sustained energy today. I know the rapid weight loss is coming to an end in the next couple of days as I’ve pretty much decarbed my body from the weekend. But we shall see.

    25 days remain, how is everyone feeling so far?

Ginger C , Jules and like this photo.

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Mary B.

It happens, Garrett, I had a binge last night and have been snacking at night lately, hence the reason I haven't lost yet lol But that's done, now we can move forward, let's go!

Paula M.

I hear you, I do intermittent fasting and my eating window is 12-8 so some evenings I start feeling hungry, I like it because it reminds me that it's for a reason :)