Christine L.

Quick Facts

DietBet Winnings: $51.12

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+0.4% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
-5.7% Lifetime Change

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Yolanda W.

08/05/2024 5:47AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
I was so close. Then bam! Time of the month. 😭

Cindy D. , AmongFlowers and like this comment.

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Christine L.


Cindy D.

Gah!! Keep plugging on!!

Jazzy R.

07/29/2024 3:00PM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
  • Monday definitely set the mood for the week I am like super shocked usually I burn a little over 300 to about 550 cal on the treadmill but for whatever reason I felt a kick of energy today I burned 1078 cal OMG ☺ I’m extremely excited I have literally a few more pounds down in six days I got this!!

Emilie T. , Renee B. and like this photo.

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Great workout

Christine L.


Wendy S.

07/29/2024 11:44AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
Feeling so down. Pulled a muscle in my back and can barely walk…. Don’t think I’m going to succeed this round

Emilie T. , Renee B. and like this comment.

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Wendy S.

Definitely been focusing on the food choices and calorie intake but lack of movement can be a killer—getting checked out now— i think it’s a torn glute!


Chin up...make yourself comfortable but I haven't been able to workout the entire bet and still lost the weight. It's all about calories. Just watch your diet strictly and you should be ok.


07/28/2024 4:33PM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
  • Giveaway for 2 random winners of a $25 Amazon Giftcard! To enter to win leave below your favorite healthy kitchen gadget or item to buy to help you on your weight loss journey below! All winners announced at the end of our game, good luck!

Sammage , Christina C. and like this photo.

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For eating fruit and vegetables and other prepared food I’ve enjoyed our newest meal containers with snap lids. Also saves money and time when you can save a meal for later and motivation not to overeat when you can save food.


Magic Bullet (to make sure I get my fruit intake in) and a silicone microwave popcorn air popper (for fresh, no-oil popcorn for snacking!)

Shannon L.

07/27/2024 11:52AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
Three days in a row, the scale did not move. Today, it's down two tenths of a pound. Ugh

Less than 2 to go. I am motivated by progress on the scale.

I think part of the problem is that I started going to the gym about a month ago, so I'm building muscle. But I should be losing weight, too.

Paige B. , Emilie T. and like this comment.

Christine L.

It will get there. I understand the frustration when your working hard


It can be just a water staying in the body. Don't give up you are doing amazing work

Christine L.

07/19/2024 6:15AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
Finally we are feeling better. Now the key is to eat moderately now that my appetite is back.

Emilie T. , Bri M and like this comment.


Its good you feeling better. Good luck with food

Ann M.

07/19/2024 4:42AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
I'm really struggling this go round. We went on vacation for a week and I gained 5 pounds. I know I did wrong, but vacation has always been about trying the local restaurants and eating whatever I wanted. I did good the first couple days, then turned into a food gremlin and ate everything... I wish it was as easy to lose it, as it is to gain it

Emilie T. , Bri M and like this comment.

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Heather L.

I had the same issue last weekend while out of town. When I go to new restaurants like that, I have a hard time ordering just the same old tired stuff I am supposed to eat. I’m back on track this week though.

Jessica M.

You’re suppose to try new places and things on vacation! Dont feel guilty.

Kristin E.

07/13/2024 8:43AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
Something truly wild happened, and I'm so happy I'm shaking.

Did a weigh in this morning, and I am officially under 350 lb for the first time in over 5 years (at 28 years old). In all my yo-yo dieting BS over the years since, I finally feel like I'm doing this right! And it shows!!

Cindy D. , Olcomoll and like this comment.

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That's a truly incredible feeling! Congratulations! I remember that feeling very well! Keep going, u can truly get there! I was almost 400lbs at one point in my 20s. I am now 41, and I am under 25lbs of seeing the 250s. And I can not wait! Stay strong, as we are in this together!!! :muscle: :heart:

Cindy D.

That’s so awesome, Kristin - great work!!

Petra C.

07/13/2024 6:29AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
Hello All, im trying to do an unofficial weigh in but it brings up the membership pages everytime i click on "weigh in". Does everybody else have that problem?

Wendy F. , Cindy D. and like this comment.

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Yes, like Christine L said! Unofficial weigh in is beneath the blue box that says weigh in and beneath your progress circle in much smaller, harder to see text. So annoying that dietbet does that, clearly just trying to push memberships.

Shannon L.

That submit weigh in button is for members to be entered into weekly drawings. You are not required to submit any weigh in but initial and final.

Gela S.

07/11/2024 9:44AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
Had an ingrown toenail removed yesterday, it was a bad one, on my pinky toe, so I’m pretty out of commission and kinda feeling sorry for myself. It’s pretty painful and I just feel like resting…just as I was starting to get some momentum with working out :(

Wendy F. , Emilie T. and like this comment.

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Diane M

Oh yuck! Pinky toe injuries of any sort are awful. I broke mine at the beginning of the year. You can wear some stiffer sole shoes and take on a stationary bike. Lots of strength training exercises can be done without stress on your toe.
You can do it and I hope the toe heals quickly.

Gela S.

@diane, yes I have a stationary bike so I’ve been doing that!!!! It’s perfect. Some super focused and some casual pedaling while scrolling on my phone
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