- It might be just an ounce to most but hey I’m out of the 200’s for the first time in 4 years. Just keep swimming…
Laura R. , Sandra S. , MyTh and LCtheCurious like this photo.
DietBet Winnings: $351.28
Holiday Thrive Tribe w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS RD (Winner)
Fall In Love With Accountability (Runner-up)
Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet (Runner-up)
The Great Outdoors Transformer - $700 in REI gift cards! (77 days to go)
Laura R. , Sandra S. , MyTh and LCtheCurious like this photo.
Total weight lost is now 1,769 pounds! Average is 11.1 pounds.
Total weight lost is now 3,594 pounds! Average is 11.4 pounds.
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