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DietBet Winnings: $44.82

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TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
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+0.1% Since last weigh-in
-2.9% 1-Month Change
-4.1% Lifetime Change

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09/11/2024 6:29AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • My weight has been checked.

    I can not believe this. I can’t wait to put my winnings back into the next dietbet.

    Lexi, you’re a life changer!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day !

Stacey D. , amanda s. and like this photo.

Carol R.

Me, too!!! So exciting!!!!

George P.

Congratulations Vanessa VanToutTerrain!


09/10/2024 9:56PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Made it!!
    With the time difference (I’m in Paris, France), I had to weigh in twice!
    Because I didn’t recheck the word to write that had change in the meantime between taking the photo and actually having time to send them.

    Half a lbs below goal and submitted 2hs before deadline. But still! I did it!!

    Now off to vacation!

Emilie T. , George P. and like this photo.

kristine M.


George P.

Congrats VanToutTerrain and enjoy the newer healthier you!

Erin h

09/10/2024 4:22PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • 😎????????

Emilie T. , George P. and like this photo.



George P.

Great job Erin H!!

Carys - Mum of boys

09/10/2024 2:00PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
I did it by 0.1lb!

Emilie T. , George P. and like this comment.

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George P.

Carys- The most important thing is YOU DID IT!! Great job!!

Carys - Mum of boys

And weighed in this morning & was almost 1lb under!


09/10/2024 9:45AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • And I'm a verified winner! Thinking about rolling this weigh-out into the next Transformer to keep the momentum going. Anybody else?

    (Meanwhile check out this beautiful monarch from the other day!)

Emilie T. , George P. and like this photo.

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I think I’ll join too. I’m so happy I made goal!!

George P.

I'm doing two other DietBets so I'm in great shape New Years Night!


09/07/2024 4:12AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
I made it to my goal! now just hoping to keep the fluctuations to a minimum until actual weigh-in…

Emilie T. , Carol R. and like this comment.

Carissa L.

Same here!!!!! :grimacing:


Awesome!!! Same for me! It’s now somewhat of a waiting game. Fingers crossed!!


09/07/2024 1:32AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
I’m there!!!! I made goal!! I’m under 180lbs / 81kgs for the first time in 17 years.

Picture me crying from joy.

I’ve been quiet here because I was certain I would fail. But I did it.

I can’t wait for everyone to celebrate their own success in a day or two

This is amazing. Thank you Lexi for the Dietbet

Emilie T. , Billie Jo R. and like this comment.

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Debbie C.

Congratulations on achieving a monumental goal! :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Petra C.



09/03/2024 7:14AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
Let’s go everyone! Last days!!
We can do this!!

I’m so so close (100 grams / 0.22lbs) 💪

George P. , Chrissy and like this comment.


Wow. You are very close. Good luck

Petra C.

You’ve got this b


08/30/2024 6:54AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
This is a bumpy road.
I’ve been traveling a lot and retaining water. The scale is all over the place and my mind follows along …
I’m sure I’ll be at goal in 9 days but still. It’s challenging

Melissa R. , Emilie T. and like this comment.

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It is a challenge. Good luck

George P.

We all talk too much in our heads. The first place the mind goes it seems is critical if what we picture doesn't exactly have be with what happened that day.

Ese E.

08/30/2024 4:48AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Sweat session: I always feel more energized on the days I workout versus the ones that I don't.

Melissa R. , Lidz S. and like this photo.

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Workout make you happy. Well done

George P.

Great job Ese!!!
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