kristine M.

hate how i look and feel , want to do more physically like i used to. very depressed . want to feel like a person not a robot existing. feel less than zero

Quick Facts

My Preferred Method of Exercise: jog far, weights machines gym, stat bike

My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program

My Diet Plan: I don't follow a plan

Fitness Devices: I don't use a device

Friends (1)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+1.2% Since last weigh-in
-1.9% 1-Month Change
-1.9% Lifetime Change

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Jackie R.

09/17/2024 7:08AM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
  • About 20 years ago I was really into running. I've definitely let that fall way-side but I'm trying to pick up jogging little by little. I think I almost did a mile today! Trying to push myself more and more each time to see what I can do. The only limits I have are the ones I place. Have a great day everyone! (Sweatie selfie or it didn't happen)

Debi D. , Sharon T. and like this photo.

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Go Kristine! I highly recommend Couch to 5K. When I did it, there was a free audio version from England's NHS. Although, a more accurate name would be Couch to 30 minutes! I could jog for half an hour but with my short legs, it didn't get me to 5K. Now my knees are bone on bone and I want to lose enough to safely have surgery. At my current BMI, I don't feel very resilient.

Tricia W.

Good for you!


09/17/2024 3:05AM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
I just joined your game, Lexi. Good Luck everyone! We have 4 weeks to lose 4% of this weight.

Melissa R. , Quisi and like this comment.

kristine M.

:100::muscle:✨️good luck

kristine M.

09/17/2024 12:07AM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
disapointed in myself, up 3 lbs from last month diet bet... i just cant eat cheese its all or none for me on that .. ... more water no cheese more movement....good luck to all✨️

Melissa R. , Rosalyn C. and like this comment.

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kristine M.

dang. im sorry its a drag isnt it .. its like i self sabotage when i get teeny encouragement by almost making my last months goal, and lost more than i expected cause its been nothing but chaos and lack of support for me..then backslide and gain .. i cant be excited about losing..or i self sabotage :flushed:


I gained 5 too!!! Wow, gotta stop this. I want to get down to my comfort zone weight so I will not feel so mad at myself for doing this yoyo!! Good Luck!

Sonya O.

09/16/2024 6:32AM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
Good luck everyone!! If I win this round I will be 2lbs shy of my weight loss goal!

Melissa R. , Leslie W. and like this comment.

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Trina R.

Awesome . You got this !

kristine M.



09/15/2024 8:09AM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
Hey everyone! NW Washington here. I'm excited to get to know you all. Here for accountability and support. I did some Dietbets with Lexi and a few others years ago (I think my last was in 2020). I just returned from a trip to Europe and was so thankful I could do all the things I wanted, but it wasn't easy and I was feeling it in my knees. I'm ready to buckle down and get some more of this weight off to decrease limits to my life.

Gerard O. , Nina O. and like this comment.

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I'm with you there. Just got back from vacation and my legs hurt.

Petra C.

Hello from Oregon. I’m right here with you.

Dominique R.

09/14/2024 3:23PM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
It’s been 4 years since my last DietBet! I’ve been losing and gaining the same 10 lbs since then. Hoping this will give me to boost of motivation to finally get it off and keep it off. Good luck to everyone who’s signed up.

Trina R. , Patronus81 and like this comment.

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Jennifer M.

Same friend. Same. Let’s do this!!

Leslie W.

Same here! I’m hoping to make some permanent changes this time around!!

Jackie R.

09/14/2024 7:29AM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
I'm joining for the second time. Participated in the DietBet in June and won! I've not only kept off the weight but I've kept on losing. I'm 28 lbs down from June 1. Hoping to kickstart into a healthier lifestyle as we head into carb season!

Trina R. , Leslie W. and like this comment.

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Yeah, I won last month and it was 44.82. success rate might be a bit lower than that because they take a percentage for app maintenance and development.

kristine M.

great losing:thumbsup:✨️
Thiago C. accepted the challenge.
09/13/2024 11:20PM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
The pot is now $7,770

Trina R. , Christina C. and kristine M. like this accomplishment.

kristine M.


Nina O.

09/13/2024 10:39AM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
Day 13 on my 100+ LBS WL journey. Perfect timing to find this diet bet!

Trina R. , KaLeigh H. and like this comment.

Petra C.

Welcome. I just finished my first month. 13lbs lost 70 to go

kristine M.



09/11/2024 5:45PM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
Woohoo.. won the last one with Lexi, and keen to do it all again. Good luck everyone. We have got this 💪

Trina R. , Petra C. and like this comment.

kristine M.

good luck to u also and good job :thumbsup:✨️ i did last month whith lexi too... lost 76% of my goal for the month 7.8 lbs close but ..better than expected.. i thrive on encouragement and support ...dont have that in person with this diet bet and positive posts help me a lot .... good going last month
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