Tricia W.

I’m tired of being out of shape and gaining weight. I want to be healthier.

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: Fruit

Favorite Sinful Food: Baked goods

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Strength training

My Approach to Weight Loss: Healthy eating, movement

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-0.8% Since last weigh-in
-0.8% 1-Month Change
-0.8% Lifetime Change

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09/17/2024 7:55AM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
  • Hello everyone! Can't wait to get started with you all tomorrow! Hope everyone is having an amazing SWEATember so far & just a reminder that we're all in this together!lets finish this year strong, we got this! <3

Tasha , Amy M. and like this photo.

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Alex H.

Can’t wait! Let’s go, we got this! Best of luck to you all! :clap:


Really excited to get going. I haven’t done a dietbet in a long time and just the motivation I need to get back on track

Jackie R.

09/17/2024 7:08AM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
  • About 20 years ago I was really into running. I've definitely let that fall way-side but I'm trying to pick up jogging little by little. I think I almost did a mile today! Trying to push myself more and more each time to see what I can do. The only limits I have are the ones I place. Have a great day everyone! (Sweatie selfie or it didn't happen)

Jane S. , Debi D. and like this photo.

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Go Kristine! I highly recommend Couch to 5K. When I did it, there was a free audio version from England's NHS. Although, a more accurate name would be Couch to 30 minutes! I could jog for half an hour but with my short legs, it didn't get me to 5K. Now my knees are bone on bone and I want to lose enough to safely have surgery. At my current BMI, I don't feel very resilient.

Tricia W.

Good for you!

Mickelle U.

09/15/2024 12:13PM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
Hello! This is my first DietBet! Super excited!
Where is everyone from??
I’m from SLC, UT

Nina O. , Trina R. and like this comment.

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Nina O.

:wave: from Chicago! Newbie as well.

Mickelle U.

Hello everyone from all over!

Tricia W.

09/14/2024 4:10PM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
I must not be tech-savvy in this app. Where do I click to do weigh ins? I’ve looked at help articles and can’t find that info.

Trina R. , Katie S. and Christina C. like this comment.

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Petra C.

Yes. You can wear what you want. I wear the same thing every time. So the weigh in will be consistent.


  • Game starts on Wednesday, we can weigh in on Monday.

Tricia W.

09/05/2024 5:43PM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
I just saw a Facebook reel where someone quoted Richard Simmons. He said something like this: you know that window of time when you eat healthy, you don’t feel good but the rest of the day you do feel good? And those windows of time when you don’t eat healthy and it feels so good but the rest of the day you don’t feel good? You have to choose if you want to feel good a little of the time or A LOT of the time.
It just kind of hit me, because food is a struggle for me. I like all the bad stuff. Thought it might speak to someone else too and help put it all in perspective.

Trina R. , Moth and like this comment.

kristine M.

thanku .it does ♡


08/27/2024 5:30PM in Fatgirlfedup's SWEATember Slimdown Dietbet
Hi all. Am I the oldest one playing? I'm 65.

Trina R. , Christina C. , Stacey D. and Jacque S. like this comment.

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Tricia W.

51 here. We can do this :blush:

kristine M.

im 54 .