TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-1.3% Since last weigh-in
-2.2% 1-Month Change
-9.6% Lifetime Change

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Angie D.

08/28/2024 10:44AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
The 24th was hubby’s birthday and I was not following an eating plan that day. But, I still made it, thank goodness!! 🙌

Theresa B. , Referee Grace , Ginger C and Dale M. like this comment.

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Mary B.

Good job, Angie, congrats!

Referee Grace

Congratulations, Angie!

Dale M.

08/28/2024 7:17AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Congratulations to the winners! I was 2.4 lbs short this time around (74% of the way toward goal!) , but consider this game to have been a great success anyway. Over 3 consecutive games, I have shed 36.6 lbs!! DietBet is a great tool for me and I hope to see you all in another game very soon! A big thank you to our lovely Referee Grace and all those active participants who greatly increased the fun of the game. I sooooooo appreciate your interaction. Big hugs, all!

kelly M. , Theresa B. and like this comment.

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kelly M.

Well done Dale and that is an amazing loss overall. I have started a new game and wonder if I will win as it is pretty hard to just keep losing at that rate but I joined as even if I don't win the motivation keeps me on track better than doing no game at all. I hope to see you in another soon x

Wendy S.

Great attitude!!! Keep going!

Mary B.

08/27/2024 9:32PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
I did win! I felt like I would, I just never know for sure how much is fat, and how much is fluid. I was holding extra fluid. I lost 11.2 pounds. Congrats to anyone who stayed the course. Thank you for all the support, hope to see you all again. Take care.

Referee Grace , Ginger C and like this comment.

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Dale M.

That's wonderful, Mary! Thank *you* for your support and comments during this game. Wishing you the best!

Referee Grace

Yay! Congratulations, Mary!! You did great!

Kira J.

08/27/2024 6:43PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Well, I thought I was out, so I submitted my weight as it was. I'd gained a few pounds, and it wasn't coming back off. I should have waited a couple of hours, and I would have made it, but oh well. Good job, everyone! See you all in the next one.

Ginger C , Juanita G. , kelly M. and Malami89 like this comment.

Dale M.

Oh, my goodness! Can you not re-submit?

kelly M.

I agree with Dale, it is worth asking them if you can re-submit. It can happen so easily and I know as my weight yo-yos so I had to catch it at the right time :smile:

Jennifer S.

08/27/2024 12:41PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Hooray! Snuck it in right under the wire!

Theresa B. , Referee Grace and like this comment.

Dale M.


Zoe j.

08/27/2024 11:14AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Couldn’t make it this time, maybe next time! Congrats to all the winners ❤

Referee Grace , JB and like this comment.

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Dale M.

Same!! Yay for those who won and yay to those of us who keep at it!

Christopher D C.

Next time!!


08/27/2024 7:35AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Wow, I can't believe I lost 9.6 lbs. This app really helps you to stay on track, especially to push harder in the last 2 weeks. I have been dealing with a lot of stress and relationship issues during the last 2 weeks. If it wasn't for this app, I definitely would have been stress eating and not caring what I put into my body. Thank you DietBet

Juanita G. , Isabel H. and like this comment.

Referee Grace

Congratulations, JJ! I'm so glad DietBet gave you the extra push to stay on track! Be proud of your hard work!

Dale M.

Way to go!! Congrats on your -9.6!

Wendy S.

08/26/2024 1:32AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
I was so close when I went to sleep. I couldn’t wait til morning. Woke up and weighed in 1/2 pound under goal!!! So excited. I thought I blew it 10 days ago. Thanks for the encouragement everyone!!!

Sina , E M. and like this comment.

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Wendy S.

Thanks, everyone!

Christopher D C.

Awesome work, Wendy!!!

Wendy S.

08/25/2024 3:01PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Less than a half a pound away! Going for a walk on the beach and getting a good night’s sleep!!!

brneyez519 , E M. and like this comment.

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Referee Grace

You've got this, Wendy! Have a great night!

Mary B.


Garrett S.

08/24/2024 12:20AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Just posting as a follow up. I’m a little intoxicated tonight.

One of my comments when I first started diet bet was how I lost confidence in myself and didn’t feel comfortable going on dates anymore. But after nearly three and a half weeks, I feel like a different person since when I started. I’ve been on a lot of dates in my life and a couple of long term relationships spanning over ten years. Literally had the best date I’ve ever been on tonight. I contribute a large portion of it to dropping weight. I would not have felt comfortable doing this four weeks ago. So thankful for this app and this community. Arguably changed my life. How fun this progress has been.

I hope everyone in this app gets to feel how I feel tonight. Please keep going, if you are struggling, fight through the urges, fight through pain. The results are worth it. I hope everyone can feel the happinesss and satisfaction that I’m feeling tonight.

Finish strong everyone. Don’t. Stop. Ever.

JB , prsmomdoc and like this comment.

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Congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap: :bouquet:


Love love looove this. I always wish I could bottle up that feeling and give it to others. It’s a game changer.
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