
Quick Facts

DietBet Winnings: $51.12

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TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-1.7% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
-4.7% Lifetime Change

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08/05/2024 2:42AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
This challenge definitely wasn't easy, I'm glad is over but can't wait to join the next one lol I just submitted my pictures, 1.4 under goal 💪💪

Cindy D. , Christine L. and like this comment.

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Is today (Aug 7) last day to weigh in by 11:59?

Cindy D.

Nope - Aug 5 and 6 are weigh out days.


08/04/2024 5:11PM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
  • Finish stronger than you started! Busy weekend, but still showing up and adjusting the plan, but never the goal! Win or lose by the number on the scale, just know we're all winners by being here & every single day you chose to fight for your health! Hope to see you also in our next game starting August 12th, lets keep going!… (it won't let me link but just add fatgirlfedup)

Kim B. , Erica and like this photo.

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Cindy D.

I have been working hard to hit this goal and others I have later in the month. Let’s do this!! Just weighed in and waiting for the approval. Best to everyone!!

Shannon L.

Final weigh in is by 11:59 pm PST today, Aug 6


07/31/2024 7:06PM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
  • Giveaway to win one of two fedup tees! To enter to win leave below your favorite weight loss quote! All winners announced at the end of our game, good luck!

Cindy D. , MookieKWatson and like this photo.

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Stacey D.

“Results happen over time, not overnight. Work hard, stay consistent and be patient"


“You only have one body, so take care of it.”


07/29/2024 9:09PM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
So I just read the payout is through PayPal. What if I dont have a PayPal account? Can I use my winnings to sign up for another challenge?

Emilie T. , Renee B. and like this comment.

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Lee Ann K.

Yes, you can! The winnings show up as points in your dietbet account. You can leave them there to pay for future challenges if you don't want to cash out right away. You can also request to be paid by check, but I think they charge something like $5 for processing.

Christina C.

Yup you can that's how I signed up for this one!


07/28/2024 4:33PM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
  • Giveaway for 2 random winners of a $25 Amazon Giftcard! To enter to win leave below your favorite healthy kitchen gadget or item to buy to help you on your weight loss journey below! All winners announced at the end of our game, good luck!

Sammage , Christina C. and like this photo.

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For eating fruit and vegetables and other prepared food I’ve enjoyed our newest meal containers with snap lids. Also saves money and time when you can save a meal for later and motivation not to overeat when you can save food.


Magic Bullet (to make sure I get my fruit intake in) and a silicone microwave popcorn air popper (for fresh, no-oil popcorn for snacking!)


07/25/2024 6:10AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
How is everyone doing? I'm at 76% as of this morning still 2 more pounds to lose with 10 days to go!! Keep pushing everyone! We got this! 💪💪

Paige B. , Andi and like this comment.

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Christina C.

I'm about 2/3 of the way there. I'm worried but I think I got it

Shannon L.

81% We got this!


07/21/2024 4:20PM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
Just got back home from a 3 day getaway and I'm waiting til tomorrow morning to see what the damage is lol We did do a lot of walking and I'm hoping that helped a little.

Jamie R. , Bri M and like this comment.


Just don't give up and go back on healthy eating and everything will be great. It can be just water in body. It was only 3 days

Tina S.

07/13/2024 5:41AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
So where are we standing with nearly the first week done? Who's at 25% of goal? Who's past it? Let's share our status so far!! I'm sitting at 20% of goal with just adding in a little exercise and cutting sugar. Where is everyone?? :)

Wendy F. , Cindy D. and like this comment.

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29% I decided to cut on sugar and refined flour/wheat. Trying to eat more fruit with Greek yogurt if I’m craving something sweet. But I feel guilty I haven’t exercised yet. Tomorrow I’m going for a walk! :muscle:

Cindy D.

I’m more than half way there!


07/09/2024 6:28AM in Fatgirlfedup's Middle of Summer Meltdown
  • 1 year and 3 month difference. Still got a long way to go but I'm proud of myself. Joined to stay motivated to reach my goal! 💪 good luck everyone!

Jackie C. , Chiox and like this photo.

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S B.


Cindy D.

Wow - you are doing so well!! Keep up the good work!!