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Erin h

08/24/2024 8:15PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Working out with BODI app to stay motivated, did an endurance routine then they temp you with a ‘5er’ after to get you to do a little more-today I stretched for 5 after for my legs-needed it!

Chelsea G. , Ese E. and like this photo.

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Brittaini P.

I love Megan! Currently doing sure thing superblock for 2nd time waiting for next iron block to drop. If you haven't done chop wood yet, do it. It has become my favorite of all the programs I've done. Soo good for mobility!


Great job!

Jenn and Kandice

08/15/2024 10:03PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 25th GAME!
  • Great work this week!

    *Okay guys, Friday is the last day of our Final Challenge! Please click on the (comment) button below this post and report in there, if you completed the challenge. You have until Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time to report in. We will have our drawing shortly after that for the $40 Amazon gift card or PayPal cash!

    Challenge reminder:
    1. Water- drink at least 64 oz. of water a day, 5 days this week.
    2. Fitness- get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, 5 days this week.
    3. Nutrition- eat at least 5 servings a day from the vegetable/fruit group, 5 days this week.

Jennk8854 , Emilie T. and like this photo.

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Rūta G.


Jenna M.


Brittaini P.

08/12/2024 7:24AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • After losing 3 rounds I gave up for a long time. Decided to give it another go with some different things and i finally did it! I know how it feels to not make it. Please don't beat yourself up it's not worth it. It takes time. Took me 4 dietbets to finally meet the goal.

George P. , Megan M. and like this photo.

Brooke H.


Referee Nancy

08/09/2024 5:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Happy Friday! We are so close, just a few more days! Stay on track, don't give in, keep going, and claim that victory!

    It's time to brag about your successes! I know that each one of you has had successes so let's hear them!

    Whether you're on track to win this game or not, please know that any progress at all is a win. Any positive changes you made for yourself, are a win.

    Enjoy these last few days my friends and keep that goal in sight! The final weigh-in is August 12-13 in Pacific Time! And make sure to submit the Final weigh-in, not a Progress weigh-in only.

Gabriella D. , Adele T. and Jessica B. like this photo.

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Jaime C.

I always get my period and gain 4-5 pounds right before weigh outs……GRRRRR! I’ve lost inches though and my clothes fit better so I’m very happy about that. I just joined your next challenge that starts on the 19th, who else is going to join me? :blush::muscle:

Brooke H.

Started fasting, cut out 95% of processed foods trying to only "treat" myself once on the weekend, initially I lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks but my weight zipped up 3 ish lbs but slowly losing again. I'll be sliding in tomorrow for a win.

Jenn and Kandice

08/01/2024 11:20PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 25th GAME!
  • Happy Friday team!

    Friday is the last day of our Fitness Challenge! Please click on (comment) under this post if you complete the Fitness Challenge and report in there! You have until Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time to report in. We will have our drawing shortly after that for the $20 cash prize!

    Challenge reminder:
    Get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day, 5 days this week.

Jennk8854 , Emilie T. , Teresa T. , Noelle G. and Elizabeth G. like this photo.

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Sarah V.

Done! Whew! :sweat_smile:

C at the Beach

Did it but forgot to post, lol. Congrats to Sarah!

Rachel S.

07/28/2024 6:18AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
My brother is a body builder, so he exercises a lot and cares a lot about nutrition. Last week, I called him and shared my struggles with exercise motivation.

He said, "If you exercise only because you want to enjoy the positive effects, that's not going to be enough to drive a long term habit. To build a consistent, long term exercise habit, you need to learn to enjoy doing it: the motions, the environment, and how it feels."

I wanted to share that because it was a helpful insight for me. I've been trying to focus on how I feel during weight lifting: the exhilaration when my heart races, the sense of endurance when I power through a difficult set. Noticing these things is almost like a mindfulness exercise. I don't know that I love exercise yet, but I am starting to understand how someone could love it.

Betsabet H. , Brayden R. and like this comment.

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Adele T.

Love this! He’s right. You have to find what works for you. If it feels like “work”, it will be so hard to stick with.

My fav type of exercise is lifting heavy. I haven’t been to the gym in quite a few years d/t various reasons. The biggest one was a double abdominal hernia repair in 2017. I was restricted from weightlifting for awhile then nursing school got the best of me. Ughhhhh. Anyhoo, I miss it. So much. It was such great stress relief especially during my divorce.

I would throw on my earbuds, listen to my hardcore music playlist and lift heavy sh$t. For that one hour, all I focused on was myself, mind and body. It was my “me-time”. I felt “in control”, strong and unstoppable. It gave me energy and I slept better too. Don’t forget the nutrition piece! I even food prepped and kept my nutrition dialed-in because I didn’t want to “lose my gains.”

My goal is to get back in the gym by end of this year! :)

Brittaini P.

That's how it was for me. I had to shift my mindset and now I find it a necessary stress release but am able to fully be focused most of the time.

Referee Nancy

07/24/2024 3:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Happy Wednesday!

    Throughout my weight loss, I came across a few little sayings/mottos that would run through my mind to inspire and motivate me. This is one that inspired me in more ways than I initially expected.

    You earn your body! It sounds so simple. When I first heard the saying, I thought of it only in a positive way: I'm going to (workout, eat right, etc.) to earn the body that I want! Super encouraging!

    Eventually I had the realization that when I wasn't sticking to my plan, I was still earning my body, just not the one that I want.

    That was a huge Aha! moment and made the saying even more motivating and really inspired me to resist temptations (including food temptations, or the temptation of not doing my workouts, etc.). Your choices matter - for better or for worse! 

    Do you have an inspirational motto, or are you motivated by an event, a person/people? Whatever it is, I recommend writing it down and placing it where you'll see it every day! Maybe start an inspiration board!

    Please share with us what is inspiring you today! Let's fill this page with inspiration!

Brayden R. , Megan M. and like this photo.

Brittaini P.

To help me workout when I don't feel like it I have a sign that says "just push play" and do my best whatever it may be that day and make peace with that. To help me eat right I ask myself "will this make me strong" and that helps a lot. Ive had to do a lot of reframing bc my thinking around it was so results focused and that was not healthy for me. This way is sustainable and actually giving me better results

Adele T.

  • Back in 2015, I managed to drop 60 lbs over 1 year so I know I can do it. Back then, I was with my now ex. He criticized everything I did to lose those 60 lbs. Without his support, it felt like an uphill battle BUT I did it anyways! I keep one of my fav pics of my healthiest self as a phone background. Every time I open my phone, I see it and it reminds me what I’m capable of. 💜

Rachel S.

07/23/2024 4:39AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
I got in 40 minutes of exercise so far this week; my goal is 60 minutes. I am feeling confident about that!

I messed up my food calculation yesterday and way overdid the carbs. You can really see the difference in bloating after just one day! I had forgotten how impactful carbs can be. Not going near a scale for at least a couple of days.

From a meal planning perspective, I'm starting to think at least one meal each day should center on a salad of some kind. I LOVE grilled/roasted vegetables, but I'm concerned that they might be too oil heavy for a daily go-to. Is there a better way?

Brayden R. , Tina H. and like this comment.

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Referee Nancy

I stopped using oil a few years ago. For pan roasting or sautéing, I use water.

For roasting in the oven, I use seasonings and splash of broth (I might add a bit more half way through to keep them from drying out). Sometimes I make a fat-free sauce and smother them with that before roasting.

Now hear me out on this one...another option is using the aquafaba (the liquid in a can of beans) instead of oil for roasting. I usually use chickpea or cannelini. :)

Adele T.

After I make my trays of bacon, I put the leftover delicious bacon juice aka lard in a sealed glass container. I use this for frying all my meat and eggs. I also use butter. #carnivore-ketovore

Referee Nancy

07/22/2024 3:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Happy Monday! Here we are in week two already!

    We all start these games highly motivated, and hopefully you're still in that mindset. Motivation is likely to wane eventually, so don't be surprised if this happens to you. This is where good habits are key! When we develop good habits, then healthy choices become our default.

    It's also encouraging to have little victories that spark your motivation from time to time. Weight loss is definitely one of those, but the scale doesn't always cooperate, so keep an eye out for those NSV's (non-scale victories). For example, walking away from temptation, fitting into smaller clothes, working out when you really didn't want to, accomplishing your water goal for x many days, etc. Celebrate those successes along the way and be proud of yourself!

    What healthy habits are you working on developing? Do you have any NSV's to share?

Brayden R. , Tina H. and like this photo.

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Kenzy A.

my average fasting length has increased by over an hour! im getting better at not immediately responding to my 'hunger' cues.

Sheryl W.

Fasting and using mindfulness when I eat

Rachel S.

07/21/2024 10:39AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
I really haven't yet learned to enjoy the physical activity piece of this equation. I *want* to enjoy physical activity, and judging from my personality, I think I probably have the ability to enjoy it. But man, that ability is buried deep.

These days, when I wake up at 5am to exercise before work, my brain and body express the strong and united position that what I'm asking from them is just plain nuts. And even when I've had enough sleep, it's hard to resist that argument at 5am.

Due to a shortage of brilliant ideas, I think I'm going to resort to bribery. So y'all are my witnesses that on this day of 2024 I promised myself a small shopping trip for fun workout gear (clothes or sneakers?) once I aggregate 60 minutes of exercise over the course of this week.

Brayden R. , Tina H. and like this comment.

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Brooke H.

Gotta love new workout gear! Keeps you feeling good to wear something new!

Adele T.

If it makes you feel any better, I’m not doing any actual exercising lol. My focus during this 4-week challenge is to dial-in my nutrition. No point in exercise if I keep eating crap foods. Fat-loss happens in the kitchen, not in the gym. Exercise is still good for overall health though. You’ve got this!!!
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