Lindy D.

Feel better in my own skin!

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: cabbage

Favorite Sinful Food: Pizza

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Walking or Hiking

My Approach to Weight Loss: exercise

DietBet Winnings: $51.12

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TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
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+0.8% Since last weigh-in
+0.8% 1-Month Change
-2.8% Lifetime Change

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Lindy D.

08/24/2024 9:22PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Show up for yourself!

Ese E. , Melissa R. and like this photo.

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Lidz S.

I LOVE hiking. That place looks beautiful. I feel like going for a hike now :joy:


Love this!

Lidz S.

08/24/2024 9:08PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Pineapple, Papaya & Pumpkin seeds Smoothie. So good. I don’t normally like papaya but this smoothie is the bomb. This smoothie is a killer for parasites in your gut.

jules , Ese E. and like this photo.

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I'm working on parasites too, but not sure if I'm winning the battle :sweat_smile:

Lidz S.

It was huge. I had to split it and had some later on :grin:.
Someone sent me a video saying you need to swallow the papaya seeds as whole do not crush or chew them. They are like magnets for parasites.


08/23/2024 7:44AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
Hey all coming in in the middle, but I am so excited to kill this challenge and conquer the next one!

Quisi , SinDebauchery and like this comment.

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George P.

Let's get this K!! And welcome!


Carys - Mum of boys

08/23/2024 7:15AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
1.1lb to go!

Quisi , SinDebauchery and like this comment.

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Lindy D.


George P.

You got this!


08/22/2024 5:47PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • When I started losing weight I thought I'd have to give up some of my favorite foods like tacos, barbecue chicken, pizza, etc - but once I learned that I could replace those foods with healthier versions it became a lifestyle not a diet! One of the first things I changed was the condiments I used & how I prepared my food! I absolutely love the sugar-free G. Hughes line & Taco Bell was always my favorite & I still love my mild sauce! I get all of these sauces at Walmart if anyone is curious. What's your favorite way to recreate some of your favorite meals?

Melissa R. , Lindy D. and like this photo.

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shawn M.

Primal Kitchen is my go to

Lindy D.

Ohhh I haven't seen the thousand island yet

Melissa R.

08/22/2024 3:01AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
Hey There!! Where is everyone else from?! Love that these bets bring people from all over together! I’ll start, I’m from Montana

Lissa , Lexi and like this comment.

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Nate H.

Indiana , always wanted to see Montana. Keep up the hard work


Australia :koala:

Lindy D.

08/19/2024 8:20PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Never skip Monday!

Lidz S. , Erin B. and like this photo.

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Mary B.

Good job, nice scenery!

Judith H.

Beautiful place, your one lucky lady.


08/19/2024 7:25PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
Need all the encouragement in dropping this weight due to a VERY STRESSFUL summer. I need to get back on track

Erin B. , Sharon T. and like this comment.

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Mary B.

Your health is worth the work!

Jasmine H.

You got this!!

Suzannah S.

08/19/2024 12:54PM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • In the onederlands and celebrated by going on my 5 mile long run. Half marathon is 5 months away, I’m gonna be ready!!

Heather E. , Carla H. and like this photo.

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Well done. Its a great motivation to prepare for half marathon. I am also planing to run half marathon in March

Mary B.

Way to go!

Ann M.

08/19/2024 9:52AM in Fatgirlfedup's August Accountability Dietbet
  • Motivation Monday... I started this journey on January 1st, 2024, because I had been following Lexi on Instagram, probably the same as most of you guys. I knew I'd been losing weight, but I couldn't really see it, almost the opposite of the definition of body dysmorphia. My brother and I went to get matching tattoos last week, and I had my SIL take a pic of us, I saw the difference! So, here is me, sharing the difference from 1/1/24 to 8/15/24, I'm down 80 pounds from the original photo... obviously, angle plays a difference, but I was glad to "see" the change 💙

Heather E. , Carla H. and like this photo.

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You done a really great job. There is visible changes. Keep going you can do it

joanie d.

I can tell. Congratulations!!
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