Elke H.

I'm 5 pounds over my goal weight of 128 pounds.

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: kale

Favorite Sinful Food: chocolate

My Preferred Method of Exercise: weigh training

My Approach to Weight Loss: 2B Mindset

DietBet Winnings: $61.98

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TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-0.4% Since last weigh-in
-2% 1-Month Change
+0.7% Lifetime Change

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Elke H.

09/18/2024 4:37AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
  • My dinner last night was so good. Pot roast with carrots and mushrooms and green beans. Bonus: a weight loss today.

Amanda V. , Valerie G. and like this photo.

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That looks good.

Sarah-Louise H.

Ooooh I'm going to try this!


09/15/2024 4:18AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
  • Can we cash in early 😄
    … just kidding 😊

    So thankful that this Diet Bet and Ilana’s encouragement finally got me motivated to eat right again.

    I’m looking forward to continuing this trend because I have another 50 pounds I’d like to get off this body.

    We CAN do this friends!

Clarissa A. , Brent R and like this photo.

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Elke H.

Wahoo! Fabulous job!! You're amazing! :heart:

Christina S.

You’re an inspiration!! Keep maintaining or going down to the end!!

Elke H.

09/14/2024 5:49PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
  • Well, I'm sticking to plan! I even took my grandson to Mc D's without stealing a fry. No added sugar seems to be getting easier.

Clarissa A. , Mary B. and like this photo.

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Elke H.

Thank you, everyone! The extra quinoa wasn't a good idea at dinner. I'm up 0.4 this morning. I looked up the nutrition profile, and it's definitely more carb than protein. :heart:

Christina S.

Eat the quinoa at lunch, but it’s good for you! Definitely an FFC (fiber filled carb)

Elke H.

09/12/2024 2:52PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
  • This was my dinner last night. This tuna salad works when you don't have time to cook.

Mary B. , Amanda V. and like this photo.

Christine V.


Shana S.

09/12/2024 10:45AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
How can I feel full without carbs ? Is it a mindset thing ? I don’t feel satisfied without a carb of some sort . Anyone else? How can I overcome this ?

@ilana 💚

Amanda V. , Roni T. and like this comment.

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Elke H.

Try having something to finish your dinner. Make it the same every night until you no longer expect a carb as part of dinner. I find a small handful of nuts works for me. Lots of crunch and fiber. A small amount of fat increases satiety, too. Double veggies and protein, also.

Shannon L.

@Carrie H, while the zucchini is good for you, you're setting yourself up to fail by coating in breadcrumbs.

Courtney W.

09/12/2024 10:32AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
    I GOT IT!!!

    Slow and steady. I WILL meet this one gallon water goal today!!

Amanda V. , Roni T. and like this photo.

Christine V.

You’re got this!

Elke H.

That's my goal, too! :blue_heart::sweat_drops:

danielle m.

09/02/2024 4:19AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
I have had a lot of success with 2b mindset. I lost 35 before my second baby and then lost 65 after he turned one and maintained it for a couple years. But I’m up 15 pounds and ten came on in the last year. I think between my youngest losing the nap time that I would use to workout, stricter rules around break time at work (I would walk 2 miles but now I’m confined to punch in and out and not be approximate) and over treating myself the weight has creeped in. I and ready to start taking it off and not carry it into the holidays!!

CSexton311 , Christina B. and like this comment.

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Roni T.

I have never looked at BB plan. Can you give me a synopsis?


I literally have to do this for my health and setting a good example for my family. I know that 2B mindset works… I just need the motivation and accountability to do it!

Lillian F.

09/01/2024 4:36PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
I've tried a decent amount of weight loss programs in the past but this is my first dietbet.

Does the host offer advice on how to lose the 4% of our weight on here? Or are a lot of you following 2B mindset from beachbody, or Does everyone just do their own thing?

CSexton311 , Christina B. and like this comment.

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Shannon L.

I've not heard of this host before. I've done several diet bets. Some are much more interactive than others. Generally, everyone does their own thing.

Christina B.

I'm doing my own thing.


09/01/2024 5:49AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
  • Got up early to get the official Weight entered. All approved and ready to go.

    Thank you to all the Referees that are so efficient at what you do.

    Looking forward to a great day and great week ahead!

CSexton311 , Jacque S. and like this photo.

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Roni T.



Weighing in tomorrow AM, let’s go!

Elke H.

09/01/2024 4:54AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
  • I just joined this morning! I love 2B Mindset but this past year, I've struggled to be veggies most and as a result, I've gained. After 5 years of being in maintenance mode, I found it difficult to go back to being a little stricter. I need to stop this spiral of weight gain, NOW! Perhaps being 75 has something to do about it, but I can't change that. My shirt used to be loose and flowy.

CSexton311 , Jacque S. and like this photo.

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danielle m.

I can relate so much! I’ve slowly gained back 15 of the 65 I’ve lost and then have been in the last year! I too and finding it difficult to find my way back


We got this! Great color shirt on you too btw