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about 13 hours ago in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
This is my first dietbet! Anyone here do these regularly or know when the next one will be?

Mary B. , Amanda V. and like this comment.

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Crystal A.

This my first one too, I am enjoying it so far!

Amanda V.

Depends on your weight loss journey, if you have quite a lot to loose some people do them back to back, others find loosing 4% every time is too much for their body which is why some will go onto the transformer ones and if you're like me you come back now and again lol. Ilana's Dietbets are the best.

Roni T.

09/16/2024 9:02PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
  • Had a great day and ate almost perfect. Sugar free bbq sauce for the win for dinner with my chicken!!

Mary B. , Clarissa A. and like this photo.

Christine V.

Looks so good! Way to go. keepin on moving!


Love those drinks too they are awesome!


09/16/2024 2:28AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Help! Been knocked down with tonsillitis 😢 Can’t workout so need encouragement to stay on track with my tracking and meals!

Clarissa A. , CSexton311 and like this comment.

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Exercise isn't required to lose weight. A good diet is most important. Modify what you can do or find other ways to encourage you to enjoy. Spend more time with family, meditate, work on an overdue project, watch TV, etc. You got this.

I sprained my ankle a few days ago and can't do heavy resistance training and running sprints for now. I found ways to adapt my exercising. LOL, I even rediscovered the XBox and found that meeting other people online and killing them helps to relieve stress and keep me focused. JK

yalda f.

You can really lose weight without exercising. Keep drinking tons of water and hot tea and it will help you with the weight loss . Feel better soon

Raisa Y.

09/08/2024 8:06AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Asking for prayers, I eat with my eyes and I struggle with temptation sometimes. Got my workout in today but I have a wedding event not only today but next Sunday as well.

Eric R. , Roni T. and like this comment.

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Roni T.

Suck it up buttercup!! Haha! Just kidding but really, this is what it amounts to! I have parents weekend at my son’s college the weekend before weigh in! Yikes!!

Raisa Y.

Events where you know there will be good food is sometimes challenging to not overindulge lol. These weddings will pass but it’s hard when I had a wedding last week and then 2 other weddings back to back (with that weigh in coming up) and all the events have guaranteed great food where it’s really hard to say no because of the emotional connection you have to the meals. I did one wedding today and kept myself accountable with the my health app so no mindless eating lol. Thank you so much for your support :pray:


09/05/2024 1:00AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Remember that your palate is fully capable of changing according to the foods you choose to eat. Your cravings will noticeably subside, and foods you used to enjoy will soon lose their luster. Nothing is better than how the right foods make you feel - that feeling lasts and tells your brain to crave those foods instead. Veggies are by far the most satisfying thing for me to eat! I literally feel more alive during and long after!

What are your favorite veggies?? And what do you not crave anymore??

Sam S. , Danielle W. and like this comment.

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Christina B.

I love Brussel sprouts and do not care for chocolate.

Valerie M.

Roasted veggies are my favorite. I love how I can eat them with pretty much anything. I know this works because I did it for 2 years before hit hard with being sick. I had a hard time bouncing back. It’s the chips. I can eat a whole bag of any kind of chip by myself. The cravings haven’t totally gone away yet. :pensive:


09/04/2024 11:14PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Struggle to get my water in! Anyone have tips to share?

Christina B. , Amanda V. and like this comment.

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100% agree regarding the straw! I’m going to make sure mines ready for this week

Roni T.

When you pick up your water to take a drink, drink for 5 seconds. You have to mentally get yourself to take extra long sips!!


09/03/2024 11:39AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Anyone else having trouble uploading their pictures and height?

CSexton311 , Christina B. and like this comment.

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Stephanie L.

I had a ton of issues, closed out of the app, and then it worked fine


Same I think was the height in the app so I went to log at the website instead of the app

Janae P.

09/02/2024 2:27PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Excited to join dietbet again. I will be posting in here to stay accountable. I'm a toddler mom with disturbed sleep at night so I'm not great with sleep due to the need to do night shift with my waking kids. So... I will do my best. Any tips other than sleep training?

CSexton311 , Christina B. and like this comment.

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Jessica M.

Same here!! We got this!

Amanda V.

Make it easy for yourself, have food prepped so when you are tired and hungry you have something healthy already waiting