I always feel that i do well for a certain period of time, loose a specific amount of weight, and then some sort of internal sabotage kicks in and i start to revert back to old habits, to comfort food, to emotional eating, specially when i do have stress in my life, which i think i will never have a stress free life, so i will need to learn to live with and handle it not escape to food, i meed to teach my brain new habits and new methods to handle stress. Which is not food!
But this self sabotage feels like it has more than that in it, i feel like internally i believe that i will mess up my weightoss journey and that i will regain the weight, it's this internal believe that i am bound the fail, and then is tart to proof it to myself by actually reverting to old emotional eating habits.
I see this now, I understand that weight loss is not about food restrictions, it's actually about learning to handle my emotions and changing my habits, which means a different mindset and a different focus, not only on food but on myself. I want to say to everyone who have similar struggles that's it's not easy, but we can do it, we might have ups and downs, but what matters is to keep going, and to realise our feelings and why we do what we do, our old brain habits will try to steer us into food, but we need to actually deal with the real emotions and feel the feelings without food. And learn this new habit.