Lindsey K.

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sheri w.

09/10/2024 5:41PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
  • Had a fish taco for lunch - it was really good. Then I did look up why fish causes weight loss cause in the past eating fish has caused me to loose weight -------- the internet says it's because of the omega 3's in fish I quote Healthifyme ---- "The protein content in fish keeps one satiated for longer, while omega-3 fatty acids speed up metabolism, burning more calories"
    Happy Dieting!!!!!!!!!!!

jaquie m. , Steffayfay and like this photo.

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Christine V.

Looks delicious

Roni T.

That looks amazing! And I didn’t know that about fish so good to know!!

Ashly D.

09/10/2024 5:41PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Feeling discouraged. I am not losing weight but doing all the right things (so I thought). Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon
Snack: protein bar
Lunch: cucumber salad... i planned on having tuna and cracker with it but work got busy
Dinner: taco salad (ground beef, lettuce, peppers, cheese)
Lots of water (over 80oz) and dinner and done! Gained .5 pounds

What am i doing wrong?!

Dominique O. , Megan S. and like this comment.

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Roni T.

I agree with the fat comment. When I did my macros to lose fat around my stomach, my coach told me to cut fat to 20% of my diet each day. So if I am trying to lose fat, I can’t eat avocados, olives, or any meat high in fat like bacon! It’s super hard because salmon is high in fat too. I end up eating chicken and shrimp a lot!!!


Someone told me this once…The work you do this week will show up next week on the scale and vise versa of you aren’t working the negatives of that will show next week
That’s why it’s so hard. It takes time to see it.
Stick to making good choices.


09/09/2024 10:22AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
✨ Good Morning! It’s Mindset Check-In Time! ✨

How are you feeling about your progress and your chances of crushing that weight loss goal for the bet? 🔥

Take a moment to do this powerful exercise with me:

💡 OLD MINDSET: “I will never lose all this weight.”
💪 NEW MINDSET: “I CAN do anything! I just need to focus on two pounds at a time.”

🎯 Here’s Your Challenge: What is your new mindset statement for today? Share it below! It could be anything that helps you take those small, powerful steps. 🌱

Remember: Two pounds. That’s all you need to focus on right now. Every tip and strategy you pick up will help you unlock the next two pounds and the next. It’s a process, not a race, and every little effort is building momentum! 🚀

Let’s cheer each other on! Drop your mindset shift in the comments and tag a friend who might need a boost today. 💬👇

Clarissa A. , Sarah H. and like this comment.

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Danielle C.

My mantra has been progress not perfection!

Gina P.

Focus on the 2 pounds at a time.


09/08/2024 11:30AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Hi Everyone! Here is the link to the live call from Friday!

Lee Ann K. , Crystal S. and like this comment.

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Lindsey K.

This was SO helpful. I needed the tough love!

Amanda C.

This call was amazing!!


09/05/2024 1:00AM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Remember that your palate is fully capable of changing according to the foods you choose to eat. Your cravings will noticeably subside, and foods you used to enjoy will soon lose their luster. Nothing is better than how the right foods make you feel - that feeling lasts and tells your brain to crave those foods instead. Veggies are by far the most satisfying thing for me to eat! I literally feel more alive during and long after!

What are your favorite veggies?? And what do you not crave anymore??

Sam S. , Danielle W. and like this comment.

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Christina B.

I love Brussel sprouts and do not care for chocolate.

Valerie M.

Roasted veggies are my favorite. I love how I can eat them with pretty much anything. I know this works because I did it for 2 years before hit hard with being sick. I had a hard time bouncing back. It’s the chips. I can eat a whole bag of any kind of chip by myself. The cravings haven’t totally gone away yet. :pensive:


09/04/2024 11:14PM in Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals
Struggle to get my water in! Anyone have tips to share?

Christina B. , Amanda V. and like this comment.

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100% agree regarding the straw! I’m going to make sure mines ready for this week

Roni T.

When you pick up your water to take a drink, drink for 5 seconds. You have to mentally get yourself to take extra long sips!!